Kate Elopes

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Kate and I have had some very major fights and I am just too exhausted to care anymore. Since she found out Eamon isn't her father she has lost all focus. Mom and dad said they think she needs time to adjust to her new identity.
I got a call from Enid about going back to her maiden name of Schwartz. She doesn't want to use the Kavanagh name any longer. She tells me it's better that she does this. Eamon apparently has no children biologically. Her children have chosen to keep the Kavanagh name, even though they aren't Kavanaghs. I really know a lot of this anyway. But she needs to let me know anyway. I like Enid, but certain information puts her in a new light.
I disappear and read my letter and it apologizes and gives an explanation. I understand, because I have went head to head with Angel about the baby and the broken engagement. If her mother is like that with me, I can't imagine how unbearable she was to Marian and she had control of her trust fund. I can try to forgive, but won't forgive. Christian told me she gave him the ring back along with a check for a million dollars he gave her for the broken engagement. I am amazed at her words and actions. She says she and Jose married without her mother present, but her real father was there. They are living at the Rodriguez estate now. Her mother didn't want her to marry Jose, she was insistent on Christian. She knew if he caught her cheating on him, he would break it off. Then she was pregnant and her mother again used her trust fund as a weapon to get her to do what she did. Jose had no idea about the pregnancy until he got a call from someone informing him that Marian had given birth to twin boys looking just like him. He flew home right away and that's when he asked to be tested for paternity.
I am sick of all the drama, so I decide a trip to Vegas would help me out. I seemed to have gotten aboard a party jet. A lot of people my age. 25 or so. A guy sits by me trying to get my attention, he reminds me of Christian Grey in his looks, but he is definitely younger. He looks like he just turned 21.
Gabriel Alexander
I recognize Kate Kavanagh from her by one photos. She is just as gorgeous as her hoot and then some. She has a body that talks to me on so many levels. I tell her I am an IT guy, but I also have another job, but it is something I can't discuss with anyone. She tries and tries. But since I have signed an NDA I can't talk about it. I am a double stand in for a certain billionaire in Seattle. I and my identical twin brother are salaried employees of GEH. We work in an off site IT and testing area until we are needed to stand in for mr Grey at events. Edward looks more like him even though we are identical. I suspect it's the five o'clock shadow he can grow and mine doesn't grow.
I am starting to get very interested in Gabe and we decide to have fun for the next week or so. I and four years older than him, but he make a very nice salary and has a very good job. I am surprised we have so much in common with one another. We talk family and he explains he and his brother were put up for adoption when they were born. It was a closed adoption, so they can't seem to find out who their biological parents were. He shows me his brothers photos and good Lord he definitely looks older because of his five o'clock shadow. He could easily pass for Christian Grey.
She shows me her family and we talk more about her recent discovery of not being Eamon Kavanaghs real child and having a half sister now. We both just broke up with our love interest and this is getting better and better. I ask if she liked younger men and she said only if they are legal. I laugh and show her my drivers license. She notices I live in one of the apartments at Escala. I explain the my brother and I have to live close to our work and our company provides it for us. I don't tell her GEH is our employer though. She doesn't need to know that information at all. Plus she is a journalist, so I can only tell her so much.
Three days later
I can't believe we did this, we have had so much fun, we ended up getting married in the Elvis chapel. He bought me a very pretty engagement and wedding set and I bought him a platinum band to match them. My wedding dress was a lace dress that had a silk backing over all the important parts. His friends attended the wedding and two were witnesses. They took photos of us and our honeymoon was great even though it was four days. Just as we were announced man and wife Elliott called me. I sent him to voice mail. A day late and a dollar short.
We head to our hotel room and locked ourselves in the rest of the trip. I can attest to her having a great body and she definitely knows how to use it all. This was a great idea, my friends finally talked me into this trip and here I am married to a sex goddess, hell a goddess period. I call my adopted parents and tell them I am married to Katherine Kavanagh. Dad asked what happened to Cadence Snow? I explain that she broke up with me for someone else. Mom asked me how we met and why elope? She thinks Kate is pregnant.
Daniel Alexander
I am at a loss about him marrying to begin with, but Kate Kavanagh? I thought she was dating Elliott Grey.
Penelope Alexander
I have no idea how or why they decided to get married and asked if she were pregnant. Dan told me she was dating Elliott Grey and unsure what happened that she's married to Gabriel after less than a week.
Elliott calls again. He ended it with me and now he's calling me now of all times. Well you ended things with me and it's final.

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