An Impromptu Decision

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My love my life is gone and I am all alone in my home that we raised Grace in, I can't stay here alone. Grace has offered me a guest room in her home. The pool house could be remodeled so I can live in it. She and Carrick asks what I want to do with the farm. We finally decide to hire people to work it and take care of the home. Christian has someone who hires qualified staff. Wednesday comes and goes and I am going through the motions. Grace knows I can't go back to the farm and she has all my personal things packed up and brought up to her place. We put Theodores things in storage until we are ready to go through with them. Elliott has remodeled the pool house just for me. It looks good and I can cook and everything else in it now. It has three bedrooms in it. A sauna and a jacuzzi and huge bath and shower. Talk about luxury.
Elliott asked me to bring things so I can stay overnight. I bring the basics and some clothing. Andrew has asked Cheryl to move into his apartment because her lease is up for renewal and she wants to find a place to move to that's safer. He hasn't gotten her answer yet, but he is hoping it's a yes.
I pull Quinn into house and into my arms. In moments we are naked and heading to my private patio. A few hours later we are getting pelted by rain and we have sex again. We run inside and to the shower. She has a good body, nothing like Kates, but she's better at things than Kate is. Quinn was raised to live on what you earn and save what you can. I think it's time to decide to take the leap, but we just met. I have decided to ask her to move in with me and see how that goes. I enjoy waking up to her and going to sleep with her as well.
We get home and Elliott has asked Quinn to live with him and Cheryl moved in with Andrew. Christian and Anastasia are making sure grandma is settled into moms and she is going to live in their pool house. A lot of things changed in just the short time we were gone. I am glad Elliott has found someone, because he was so lonely. We drive straight to mom and dads when we get to our car.
Do you think they will be awake?
No doubt they will be awake. I know my parents will be at least. We drive up to my parents home and I see grandma in the garden sitting looking out on the sound. I walk up and she has tears in her eyes. I sit down and put my arm around her. I ask Fred to go ahead inside the house and I will be with him when we are ready.
I am sorry Mia, he wanted to come to your wedding above anyone else's. He said the boys weddings were important too, but nothing can measure up to when a daughter or grand daughter goes down the aisle in all her glory. We knew he didn't have a long time left. I tried to talk him into staying home, but he wasn't going to miss the wedding. Don't let this mar your beautiful day, he wouldn't want that. We had a great last day together watching your wedding and him getting to dance with you on your wedding day.
Oh grandma, I am so sorry. I hug her and she tells me that we couldn't have stopped him from being at her wedding for all the tea in China. I hold my grandma and ask her if she will be ok staying in the pool house?
Let me show you what your brothers had done to it. I show her all the things they improved and changed and it's great. They built a small greenhouse by it and changed everything to use easily. By the time we were through with the tour Fred comes and tells us breakfast is served in the main house.
I rang the doorbell and Grace told me to come in and just walk inside now that we are family. I told her Mia was with her grandma and should be up soon. I point to the garden and she has me come in so we can shut the door. We head to the kitchen and coffee is brewing that I definitely need. I take the cup offered and fill it up.
I am not surprised to see that Mia has came home, when Fred is at the door. I notice Mia with mom in the garden and have Fred come inside. Mom told me that the last thing dad wanted was to watch Mia get married. He didn't have much time left and he held on as long as he could. They didn't tell us a thing. I start breakfast after Carrick comes into the kitchen and send Fred to gather mom and Mia.
I have went through your fathers will and it is pretty straight forward. The farm is going to looked after and kept in the family. Your mother can hire people to take care of it and pass it down to you. He wanted it to stay in the family. Your mother can rent out the place, but they can't change the farm, but they can make changes as needed to the house.
I go find Mia and her grandma and let them know breakfast will be ready soon and we should go get some while it's hot. They join me and I walk arm in arm with both ladies. I open the front door and hold it open for both ladies like I was taught by Sarah all my life. We head into the kitchen and the wonderful smelling food awaiting on us.

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