Will From Heaven?

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I am sitting here waiting to be called in to the reading of moms last will and testament. Carrick Grey is the executor of moms estate. I see Fred and wonder why he is here and a petite young lady who looks quite young for him. They are both consoling each other. They look more like friends than father and daughter. She is wearing a business like suit. Sheila is finally here and a few people I have no idea who they are have joined us all. Then I notice security personnel arrive and finally an older man comes out of the office and he introduces himself to me and Sheila. Then to the security team and he makes introductions to Fred and the girl. I just barely hear her name as Steele. He says they will be assuring her and Fred's safety. Why would they need safety? He then introduced the two doctors to all of us. He never directly introduced the security to me or Sheila. We all are lead into the conference room. Fred and the Steele person are brought in first and sat up by the attorney and two of the security sit by them. Okay this is just strange.
There's no doubt in my Mind what's going on here, we are getting nothing at all. Fred and the young girl are being protected by security and we aren't. George is going to have a fit. We can't do anything at this point, but try to overturn the will. Have mom declared mentally incompetent. We sit and listen as everything is given to Anastasia Steele and glaring at her isn't working at all.
Wow, so your poor mother informed you of her impending death and you still never came to see if you could do something for her or to even say good bye to her. You didn't even come to her funeral. I am unwilling to fight you on this, but my attorney is and he will win. From what I understand each of you got loans and they were never paid back. And you asked again and after being refused you stopped seeing your mother. So she thought loaning you a million dollars each and never getting a payment from either of you, that you have gotten all you were going to get from her and her estate. Carrick let's get through this please, I can't stand being in the room with these two much longer. Can I have some water and Kleenex's please?
I have Jackie get both for her and we wait. Once Anastasia is ready to continue we start and I introduce the drs and their statements along with videos that were played and they are given one each from their mother. I never asked about their father, but he was mentioned in the will. She left him the only thing of value he had given her and that was a sterling silver wedding band. As far as she was concerned her kids were just like him and of no value as a human being. They were leeches. But she tried to do right by them, but they never reciprocated. She divorced him before she became wealthy on her own. I learned a great deal about Sarah Williams and her family and then Anastasia. After a year you know if someone is genuine or not and Fred was right on the money about choosing Anastasia.
We will fight this will, and win.
You don't have a leg to stand on, that's why she came to me and I have these drs here today. All these proceedings are being recorded. Oh and her nurses kept track of callers and visitors and amazingly George and Sheila were never seen or heard from even a birthday card was never sent. Do you know she had never met her grandchildren. They probably don't know they just lost their grandmother do they?
Why should she get to know her grandchildren? She turned her back when we needed her.
When you needed more money that is. I know why she turned you both down. I checked her finances and she didn't have access to cash to loan you. The million you each were loaned were from her borrowing against properties and she was leveraged to the hill. She couldn't give you more than she had already. That is why her properties are all leased to people on five year contracts. Except for the place in the city. I checked into both your finances you could easily pay her back, but neither of you have in twelve years. You think she owed you, she gave you life and raised you and you pay her back like your father did, by deserting her in her time of need. She made all that money on her own. Your father has asked not to be here for the reading of the will, because he doesn't want to see either of you. She left him the cheap sterling silver band they got married with. He left her when she was pregnant with Sheila. Everything she has she earned on her own. Her estate is worth a hundred million at this point. So you are getting to keep the million she loaned you and Sheila. Thats your inheritance. She left nothing to her grandkids. Here these are for you both. These are the statements of her competency and those two men are here so you can ask about her competency on creating this will. Here is the will and restraining orders against you keeping you away from Fred Williams and Anastasia Steele. You are not allowed on any or all of your dead mothers properties that will be placed in Anastasia Steeles name after this day. The security you see are for their safety. Bother either of them and go to jail. Are we clear. Oh by the way you won't win in court. Go near either of them and you will be arrested. The restraining orders are on file already. So is this will. Plus you might want to read this as well. If anything happens to Anastasia Steele or Fred Williams and the die all of the assets go to the homeless of Seattle charities. No exceptions.
We will see about this, Sheila let's go find an attorney now.
I am not fighting her will, you went through all that money she gave you, I didn't. I am not paying for an attorney to fight the battle you want to wage against mom after her death. Carrick do you have something I can sign that states I will not fight moms last will and testament?
Here sign this and Jackie notarize it, it states that you accept your mothers will as it is. You have videos in the box as well. She left messages for you both.
I grab my box and leave, Sheila Winston will pay for not backing me up today. Dad was supposed to come today. As usual he is an absent father.

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