Justice Served Finally

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I can't believe I am going to spend my life behind bars. They believed Gregory and Kate about what happened that day. I was found guilty of the murders in Pennsylvania as well. Gregory died and I still was found guilty of premeditated murder of two people and no parole. They also tacked on human trafficking and child endangerment. Ray even testified against me. People I had never met before testified against me as well.
Alberta just kept smiling as people were testifying against her. When she was found guilty of so much and no parole. We got the news that she was got life sentences back to back. Our twins were born the next day Aaron and Allen Alexander. 6 pound 5 ounces 20 inches and 6 pounds 3 ounces and 18 inches. Gabe and Edward was happy and mom and Ethan came to see the boys.
I froze the assets of Gregory and Alberta Steele. That way the money Sarah Williams and Ray Steele can be given back to them and Alberta can't use the money for her defense attorney, she is a true monster. It amazes me that people take money from others and think they should be able to use it to get free of their legal snafus. The money was given back to Fred and Anastasia. Raymond Steele and Carla Steele was glad to see Anastasia and disappointed.
I watch as mom is getting weaker and weaker. I know she is missing dad and it is normal. Lately I can't get her interested in her great grandchildren. Anastasia and Mia have tried to involve her in teaching them different things and she has lost a lot of her spirit. Elliott has tried his best to make her laugh, but she is just too worn out. Enid told me that Kate has taken the COO position at Kavanagh Media and is making a lot of changes for the people who have children and even created a safe haven for people who need help in an emergency.
I am thrilled to have grandchildren and Kate picked out a good man and he makes sure she knows he is a good man. Even though I missed her wedding I didn't miss her babies birth. I am working along side Kate at Kavanagh Media. Eamon has a new trophy wife who can't stand the facet she can't rule the empire Eamon and I developed and my daughter and I are equal to Eamon on the totem pole. We can outvote him in all things. She tries and tries and at one point we had her escorted out of the boardroom. She is no longer allowed inside any meetings that include us. When she found out he can't make any major decisions she threw a fit. What made her the maddest is that Eamon only gets a twenty five per cent of the profits and my salary is more than Eamon's. I have controlling interest in Kavanagh Media. Hey I bought Ethans shares. We each got twenty five per cent each, at the divorce. She is lucky he has a job. Carmine really thought she had struck gold when she got engaged to Eamon. He had his attorney create an iron clad prenuptial agreement. Kate, Ethan and I were invited to the wedding. Eamon got lucky when she failed to read it throughly. Honey if you are going to dig for gold be smart about it. Read the small print with a magnifying glass. Kate and I run Kavanagh Media and Eamon just submits his ideas, he has good ones mostly, but he introduces some ideas that everyone knows was not his own , but Carmines. I am dating again. We recently attended Madison Trevelyans funeral, Grace was very distraught and so were the rest of us. She was like a mother to so many of young ladies from wealthy families. She kept a lot of our secrets for so long and made sure we all knew our day will come when we will outshine those who kept us down for so long. Grace was a very lucky person to have her as her mother.
Mom had so many friends and so many people she has been there for throughout her life. Dad had a lot of people at his funeral, but we are still getting cards and letters from people around the world people she helped we had no idea about. All had nothing great things about how her simple solutions to what they thought was a complex problem was exactly what was needed.
They had to extend the viewing and the time for visitations to accommodate most of her friends and family. We met family and friends we never knew about. Enid was as broke up about Madison as Grace was. Eamon came and brought his new wife Carmine. His wife tried to sit with the family, but she was asked to allow family and close friends to sit where her and Eamon were sitting. Who sits in the front seats at a funeral of someone you have never met and your husband is not friend or family. She couldn't even show respect and sit with the others. The funeral director took them aside and had to explain protocol at a funeral. I had no idea anyone wouldn't know that family and close friends sit in the front and then everyone else sits in the next available seating. I thought that was a bit obvious. The fu real was sad but finally went without too match drama. Grace tried very hard keep from crying, Enid as well, Kate sat in the third row and Enid sat with family. Mia, Quinn, Anastasia, and more sat with us.the children were with mannies and nannies. We will be getting group photos afterward and head to a reception for everyone who loved Madison. The day started out raining and then rainbows appeared for her burial. Birds were chirping as she was lowered into her final resting spot.
Christian took photos and videos of what I have never seen before. Rainbows and then birds singing as moms casket was lowered into the earth. I whisper quietly to mom, we will see each other soon and as I finished saying it a butterfly landed on my hands and stayed while  I prayed for mom.

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