Mrs Marian Rodriquez

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Jose asked me to marry him and I did, it turns out he was the father of my boys and we have moved into his family home and it is huge. He is training on engines and wants to build his own company. I am happier now that I am married to Jose. Mom didn't think he would stand by me, but he did and still does. I have who I wanted all along and his sons, unlike my mother. I hated doing as my mother asked of me, every minute I felt like dirt. Mom gave me very little choice, since she has control of my trust fund. Now that my father stepped up he reversed the trust and gave me my money. Mom was pretty mad, but I didn't care. Kate and Ethan came to my wedding and we had a nice party afterwards. I guess Eamon found out he couldn't have had any kids. I guess his parents kept it from him they didn't want him using that to get into other girls panties. He partied with one too many females and he had an std get bad enough to make him sterile. Adam Flynn was father to only Ethan, Kate and myself. Eamon was pretty mad at Enid and the other two women who lied about him being the father of their children. He pretty much told them they had so many days to get out of his homes. He gave all four of the women six months to get out. Two didn't have kids. He is going to sell the homes. He has to to give Enid her share of the money. All this time and now I know who my father is and now I have a half sister and brother. Mom is not happy that Jose and I am married and raising our sons together. Christian was always on her radar for me since he became a billionaire. She taught me a lot about social graces, but not about being a good person. Jose was the first man who truly loved me until Christian Grey. I never could forget that my mom pushed me into his arms. It is like the more she pushed the more I cheated on him. I am glad Jose was the father, because he made me love him. I am getting my trust fund and am setting it up for our sons. The Fletcher kids aren't Eamon's and neither is Dana Andrews. Last I heard Eamon was trying to move in with miss Fletcher, but she wasn't having any of him. Neither was miss Andrews. I named the boys Jose jr and Charles a favorite person my mom dated for a long time, if he had lived she would have married him. He was bringing me a birthday gift when a driver ran a red light and he died at the scene. We found out when his attorney contacted mom about his will. Now I can raise my sons and they will know they are loved and wanted by both their parents very much. Unlike me. Jose has been trying to get me to understand that I can change my future and now I am. By marrying Jose I have already changed it.
I am so mad, now she is married she won't let me have any of her trust fund. Adam Flynn has been driving me crazy and he gave her the trust fund and lower my money coming in for support. He told me to get a job. It has been years since I worked and unsure if I can. He told me to get some training and quickly. He said that Marian nearly destroyed her life because of me and now that she's married she no longer needs me.
Well I know Marian is happy because she told me she finally had real love and true love and unconditional love. The attorney gave her her trust fund and she asked to set one up for her sons. It made me so proud of her. Jose was here with her and he seems very much in love with her. The boys were in their stroller asleep. They look like both of them. My wife called and needed a word. I told her I had to call her back and she told me not to bother, that she found out about my children by Enid and Angel and she hired an attorney. I asked the attorney if he could handle my divorce and he said he could easily. So now I am going to be single again, good thing my boys are grown and out of the house. Now I am grandfather and I asked if could be part of the boys lives?
I think they would love that, just make sure you don't disappear like you did with Marian. We can't have that, you left her with Angel who was not the best person as a role model or anything else. You prove to us you are going to be a constant in their lives. I want my sons to have a good childhood.
I carry a box from Marian Sheffield Rodriguez to the scanner in security and everything seems good. I open it up and there are envelopes addressed to all the Grey's along with myself and Gail. Then the Trevelyan family. I take it to mr Grey and hand it to him. A ring box is in there as well.
I look at the box wary of what Marian might be sending me. I see a ring box and open it up. It's the engagement ring I gave her. I open up the envelope addressed to me. A check for a million dollars is what I notice first. It's the amount I gave her when we broke up. The letter apologizes for everything she put me through along with her poor behavior. She goes on to tell me why she behaved so badly. She wished me a very happy marriage and ends the letter with hoping someday I can forgive her. There's letters to my parents and grandparents, Anastasia, Taylor and Gail. I hand Taylor his and Gails envelopes. He opens his and is stunned that she apologized for her poor behavior towards him as well. He didn't go into what she meant, but seemed to understand it. I tell him to go give Gail her letter and enjoy his day off.
The letter Marian wrote was a heartfelt apology and it explained quite a lot. I think I can overlook her behavior, but forgive her not yet.
Christian Handed me, mom, dad and Carrick letters from Marian Sheffield Rodriguez. We opened them up and we were all surprised to get any kind of apology, but she was very eloquent in her summation as to why she behaved the way she did and hope we forgive her one day. Each letter was heartfelt. Moms in particular brought tears as she read the very long letter to her. A four page letter. Mom refused to show it to anyone, she said it was a very personal apology and she wanted to keep Marians secrets a while longer.
Sadly I knew so much about Marian than others did and she was very aware of it. It was something that happened in her teens and I helped her out of a major crisis when her mother wouldn't. I had sources and used them to help the poor child. She finally understood what I spoke to her about when she finally married the father of her boys the only love of her life. That talk will go with me to my deathbed and beyond.

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