A Natural

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I got the hang of all of it and now I am able to follow all my trainers directions and it's just making sure I am following step by step instructions. I get everything very quickly and they start me up on something else. By the afternoon I have went through all the training. They move to other jobs and finally I know more than enough to clerk and help others when needed. I do everything assigned to me and go find more to do.
I got everything done a month later and explained that I needed to get things done while Anastasia Steele an employee there won't know I am there. Carrick Grey made arrangements for me to come to his office while Anastasia is kept busy doing something in the files.
Carrick Grey
Sarah Williams Anastasia Steeles landlady asked for an appointment for her last will and testament. Anastasia must have gave her our number. She comes in and I have her sit in the chair by my desk. She explains that she is dying and she wants to leave everything to Anastasia Steele one of my employees. I ask if she is a relative and she explains that her nephew Fred Williams is a bus driver and she befriended him on her last leg of her trip from Pennsylvania.
I explain how she became my boarder over a month ago and she has been a God send and my nephew was right about her being a good person and helper, companion and still pays for her room and board and cleans and cooks. She is like a daughter. She helps me without being asked to. I want her to inherit my estate. I have only about two years left to live and want to leave everything to someone who deserves it. She does.
I can say she is an excellent employee and she goes above board in helping out, but don't you want your family to have your estate?
Do you see anyone here with me? No you don't, Fred is the only one who has ever cared about me. My children haven't bothered to answer calls from me even when I told them about my diagnosis. They live in Seattle and they have no use for me unless its to borrow money. I stopped loaning them money ten years ago and the only time they came to see me was to take me to the bank to get cash from me. When I refused to loan them anything else, they stopped coming by. That was ten years ago.  I don't want to give them anything else. They got my message, because Fred contacted them and I listened in and they told him to just let them know when my will would be read. I want to leave Anastasia Steele my whole estate. I have documents proving I loaned my ungrateful children this money. I gave them time to pay it. As you see they were given until my death to pay it off. If they don't pay the estate the loan amounts back they inherit nothing and the loans will be considered their amount of their inheritance. I want to make sure this stands up against any and all contesting of my will?
As long as we don't omit them in the will and spell out exactly what you are giving them, you are fine to do leave everything to Anastasia Steele. We can get that written up now if you want to. Your doctors can attest that you are in your right mind as of now correct?
I hope so, I am kidding they can definitely certify that I am, but I think an independent opinion might stand up better if it goes to court.
We can get that set up if you want to. Today if you like. Dr Flynn can do the Psychological and Dr Johnson can do the physical and neurological. Here are their numbers, they are who the courts turn to for independent evaluations. So there are no conflicts of interests. Schedule those today before you leave the office. My PA Jackie Duncan can have you use her phone to call for the appointments. I will get the will done after we check all the assets you listed and any outstanding debts. I get up and help her out. Now Anastasia has me wondering about this situation. I asked Sarah who gave her my number?
I drove Anastasia to work and that's how I chose you as my attorney for my will. My attorney died and his son is friends my son, so I really don't trust him. So when you chose to hire Anastasia the first day she arrived here in Seattle you had to see hoe kind and good she is, so you would protect me from my children. I forgot you need to have my signature to change my legal representation. Do you need a retainer?
In that case we need Jackie and the documents to change legal representation from your present attorney to me. I have her sign everything and Jackie notarized all the paperwork. I will have all your files brought over today. She hands me a check for 2500.00 without blinking an eye.
The next day
Attorney David Anderson Jr
I get a courier coming to pick up all of Sarah Williams files. I have to turn them over immediately. Okay I read the notarized letter and it's all above board and legal. Dad left me the law firm, and Sarah Williams is the mother of one of my best friends. George Williams is counting the days his mom passes away, what he doesn't know is that he won't inherit a dime and neither is his sister Sheila Winston. I know from my father they haven't seen her in ten years. That's when she changed her will leaving everything to Fred Williams her nephew and the only person who cares about her. She wants me out of the picture and I am very relieved, so I have my assistant pull all Sarah's files and box them all up. Including the archives from her and her husbands files.

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