A Thousand Children

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Fred and Mia decided to help start a place where they are helping children of all types in anyway they can. After their last daughter Madison Grace Williams got caught in a violent incident between a friend from high schools parents and she got her friend and her four siblings safely away from it. But it was too late for their mother. The father had beat their mother to death. The children had no one left to go live with. So began the construction of a place where a family of children could come and be helped to stay whole. Mia convinced me and Christian to foster and then adopt the five children. Our children were at first not thrilled, but learned about what these five children had gone through so Theodore and Phoebe had a meeting with Lucy, Lacey and Mathew. The children had their own conference room in one of the homes on our property. Security was tight and we only got to know the subject of the meetings if it was needed to know. They met the five children and voted them into the family unanimously. So we adopted Stephanie, Susan, David, Thomas, and Walter Davis. All just added the name Grey to their last name. Mia and Fred held those first five as an example of what could be accomplished.
When Mia came to me with this plan and why I was in tears. Anastasia gave me our Aunt Sarah's home and then when we went to her with this idea she got Christian on board and Elliott as well. Grace and Carrick joined in. Quinn helped find a undeveloped parcel of property to buy and the next thing we knew we had started building and finding people to join our cause. Our triplets were in college by the time we got it up and running. Madison wanted to be part of it all along with her friend and cousin Stephanie Davis Grey. Both work there after they go full time in courses they could use to help other children. Even Kate Alexander helped out. Enid and Ethan joined in. Gabriel and Edward Alexander combined their efforts and came up with ideas to help with IT training courses for all ages. Living quarters were set up for housing as needed. Somehow Elliott had come up with a way to change the amount of bedrooms in each home environment. Cooking, cleaning and learning how to live as adults was given as needed otherwise we handled it on an as needed basis. Everything was pretty easily evaluated by age. We got what we called little adults. Those were children who ended up taking care of their siblings while the parents were negligible.
We finally have a calm house and can be alone in our bedroom. Anastasia and I learned how to steal moments now and again since she got her law degree and started practicing law. Dad made her partner just before he turned over the reigns to her. Everyone was stunned. But she definitely earned that position. The one who thought he was going to get the firm quit on the spot. Carrick already prepared for him to do that and slowly switched his clients over to better attorneys at the firm. Theodore is training to take over at GEH.
Gail and I had two children and we adopted another three that were left orphaned due to an auto accident. Jason Jr and Rose Taylor got three very young siblings. Stair steps is what they called them. All a year apart nearly. Chauncey, Ferdinand and Louisiana were less that five years old. We blame Mia and Fred for giving us these precious wonderful children. Luckily we have a large playground on the Grey estate and access to manny and nanny support. Gail runs the whole Estes with military precision and is in charge of all household and staff. I am head of all security over GEH in the US. The International heads report to me.
Carrick and I have been traveling a lot, but we miss our family and our newest members of our family. We had no idea we would have so many grandchildren. We have been gone for two months and face time nightly with our grandchildren.
Quinn and I are happy with our children and our lives. We take one weekend a month to be alone. The kids stopped asking about what we do on those weekends at this point. We have four children and two adopted children.  Mia said when she saw these two twin girls they just screamed Elliott and Quinn. She was right they look like a mixture of me and Quinn. We just sent our twins to college, early admission.
Mia is screwing with mine and Elliotts sex life. After seeing the twins we fell for the cute dimples. The diapers no so much. Oh well two four month old girls can't cause that much trouble, talk about famous last words. Amber and Angela now rule the roost. I swear I think they have been taking lessons from their uncle Christian.
We have been giving the Grey House For All as much press as we can to help get others involved. The Grey family have allowed a few stories be printed by Kavanagh Media. Eamon has divorced twice and I no longer try to recall his latest arm candy. Gabe does a lot of work for the Mia and sometimes I get a bit jealous, but then he is told to take me on a nice date and he makes me realize I married a very good man. He puts up with a lot from me. Edward is going to finally marry soon. She doesn't like me and I know why.
I love being retired and having fun with my grandchildren although the noise is sometimes overwhelming. But we are enjoying every minute of our life and that everything is working out fine. Anastasia was perfect to take over my law firm, Sarah Williams was right on the money along with Grace that she was a hard working and very loyal person to the bitter end. Her adopted father and mother died in a barn fire and they left her all the property. She wasn't sure what to do with it, since it was in the middle of two Amish farms. A developer contacted her and made her an offer. But she told him it was important for her to think about and not long afterward. One of the other farmers contacted her and made her an offer that made more sense to her. They offered to farm it and keep doing that until she decided on what to do. It apparently was land that was in the Amish community since they first settled there and they hoped to assure it stayed that way.
I look at our huge family and smile as we men cook the food on the grille Theodore bought me as a birthday gift. I look over at Anastasia and thank heaven she came to Seattle. I know God or a high power was looking over us on that day.
I smile at my darling husband and remember that his birthday surprise for tonight. Time alone with the man who makes my heart quicken with each smile and touch. I made the right decision to come to Seattle.
As we sit next to each other our children are debating with one another and not us thank goodness. Christian squeezes my hand and suggest we visit our bedroom while they are busy.
The end and hope you enjoyed it.

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