The Funeral

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Anastasia and I are here with friends of my aunts, some had kept in touch by phone due to their own health issues. But they are here to say goodbye to Sarah. Neither of her children attended her funeral. We cleared all her the cash from her account per Carrick instructions. Sarah signed everything for everything and for each step of the way. Sarah's ashes were put in a very beautiful urn she wants it put where she can be in the sun. Carrick said the will, will be read in two weeks because they are compiling the appraisals of all the properties and we are living in the last asset. He needs to join us in opening the safe deposit boxes and Anastasia needs to take Sarah off the accounts she is on with Anastasia. For now my name will be on them to assure they are protected. The locks had to be changed on all her homes. We found out her son tried to move into one of her homes. The people renting called the cops, they had a lease. We had all the locks changed at our expense and assured them it wouldn't happen again. Carrick sent documents to show the cops if it happened again. Anastasia and I agree that the lease should remain intact and they still had six months on it, so they were given three months rent back for the inconvenience of needing the locks changed and having to call the cops.
I am worried about Sarah's children at the moment. They are bullying their mothers tenants and they have no rights to the property. Carrick has been the attorney of record since her attorney died and his son took over the firm and was and is still her sons good friend she changed to Carrick Greys firm just because I work for him and he was smart enough to hire me on the first day I arrived in Seattle.
I am going to have a huge issue with Sarah's children and it started the day of her funeral. unlocking and entering a rental property of his mother's and trying to have them thrown out nearly got her son killed and arrested. He was shown their leases. He finally found out from his friend that her will was changed and she has a new attorney.
Sheila Winston
I received a letter from Carrick Grey attorney at law. Hmmm wonder if he is related to Christian Grey handsome single billionaire. Since my bum of a husband and I divorced after mom wouldn't give us anymore money. I have been working very hard to stay in my apartment with my daughter Louise Winston. She is twelve at this point and has stopped asking about her father. She has no idea she has a grandmother or had one as of this date. I knew George had saw her funeral notice and we both decided not to attend. Now here is a letter from an attorney asking me to be present at moms reading of the will. Mom didn't know about Louise and we kept it that way. George didn't tell her about his three children Sarah Elizabeth, named after mom, George jr, and Thelma Sue Williams. He called me and told me that mom rented out her properties and the people had legitimate leases and he nearly got arrested for using his keys to get into the properties. They dropped the charges if he left to never come back. He tried to find out from moms attorney a friend of his what was going on. His f fiend told him she has a new attorney and we should be getting notice about the reading of the will soon. And here it is.
I make sure everything is in order and have all the videos and the reports from the psychiatrist and the doctor said she was in her right mind and she also had a psychical as well. What was happening wasn't causing any mental impairments psychically. So when she and I created her new last will and testament she was of clear mind and body to do it. At the end of her life not so much. Fred, Anastasia and I along with three shifts of nurses all were there for her. Not once did her children come to say goodbye to her. She was right about them. David Anderson Jr attended her funeral, he asked if they had ever visited her. He was saddened about them not having called. He kept in touch and if he found anything else he made sure we got it immediately. He knew she had only a short time to live. He actually said he was relieved that I took over as her attorney and executor of her will. Ana now knows about inheriting everything and wants to set up a trust for Fred. He said no, but I think she is going to do it anyway. She however is keeping the home they are living in now. He has a room and a car available any time he wants. He is going back on the road after they get the will settled.
I can't believe that mom got a new attorney. David told me about how nice the funeral was and that mom was cremated. I was very angry when the cops were called when I opened my mothers home on the sound and found a family living in the home. The cops asked them to see their lease and they provided it and asked I give my key to them immediately. They hadn't gotten word of moms death yet. But they had a five year lease and it was paid in full. They gave seventy thousand in rents and deposits for the home, which is cheap so they couldn't turn it down. Mom even had a clause in it that states if she dies the person who will inherit has to abide by their lease until it's up or they want to renew it with them again. Not long after David told me to leave the family alone that his father drew up the lease and it's legitimate and he got a call about me using my key and threatening them with eviction. He said that one they have an iron clad lease and two I can't go onto the property again, because it doesn't belong to me. He i formed that he is no longer attorney of record, so he has no idea who the new ow Er is at this point. He just knows there is a new will filed with the courts and they informed him to turn over any and all paperwork concerning my mom. He won't divulge who the new attorney is, but I should be getting a notice soon about reading of the will since I am her son.

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