Anastasia Grey

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I have decided to marry Anastasia and have planned a simple ceremony and we have been together for such a short time, but she is all I ever wanted in a woman and more. I have invited my family and we have gotten the marriage license and prenuptial agreements are done. I have to say her decision to set up Fred in business was a very good one. It keeps him close and safe and he can stay at Sarah's place.
At first I wasn't sure how to take Christians proposal, but then I realized he was seriously asking me to marry him. We both love each other and get along greatly. We compliment each other very well. I said yes and only if we had prenuptial agreements and he agreed to it. We talked about the baby as well, just to get everything all in the open and how we will handle it. Marian won't like what we have in  mind that's for sure. We are going to get custody of the baby if it's Christians.
A wedding dress bonanza, when you marry a billionaire everyone wants you to wear their wedding gown when the marriage takes place. I found a dress at the Goodwill and had it styled by an unknown seamstress and designer. It has lace overlay that has tiny little flowers throughout it. I had him sew in my wedding colors into the lace and flowers. The dress is amazing and the designer helped create a few of the other wedding outfits.
I am worried about the quickness of this marriage, but I like Anastasia and mom really likes her and is thrilled about her becoming family. I found out they are making sure if they divorce they leave with what they came with. It seems Anastasia is using her inheritance to make good investments and has made some very lucrative ones. Carrick tells me not to fret about either of their motives for getting married. Mom says she knew they would marry, just not this quickly, but she thinks besides love they want to be ready in case Marians baby is Christians baby. They want to try to get custody of the baby.
I know Christian and Anastasia are making a good decision. Since I know quite a bit about Anastasia and her inheritance and why she was chosen to inherit, I am thrilled they are getting married. I being an attorney found out who Anastasias real parents were. Fred and Sarah knew the second they saw her who she was. Sarah Williams brother and his wife disappeared and finally found, but the baby was never found. Both were cremated after they were identified. Sarah had DNA tests run and never told Anastasia that she was her niece for her own safety. Robert Williams and Vanessa Williams had witnessed something and the people who killed them had no idea they had a baby. So when Fred saw her on his bus it was like he was seeing his cousin again. Anastasia looked like Robert in female form except her height. That she took after her mother Vanessa. No one knew who her parents were so she was adopted by the Steeles.
I can't believe Christian is tying the knot, at least it's not Marian. She always tried to get me to go visit her while Christian was gone and I refused her advances. How do you tell your brother about his cheating fiancé? You just avoid her at all costs. I suspect she hit on dad, because he made sure he was never alone with her. Grandma definitely doesn't like her and she makes sure Marian knew she didn't like her as well. She asked her who she screwing last night, because it sure wasn't Christian.
Elliott told me about the wedding and asked me to attend it with him. I was really shocked, she really isn't Christians type. But I come from wealth and so does Marian, well she appears to come from wealth at least. Sheffield is not a name I am familiar with, but she dresses and acts the part. She didn't stand out like sore thumb like Anastasia Steele did. Now she's marrying Christian Grey billionaire. So here I am getting ready to be her bridesmaid and Mia her maid of honor because she has no family or friends available on such short notice. I half expect to hear the putter patter of little feet from a baby soon. But Elliott says Anastasia isn't pregnant, but Marian Sheffield is. I doubt they would tell Elliott if she was. It's obvious that Marian is though and she is loud and proud about it being Christian Grey's baby.
Kate is really getting on my nerves about this wedding being so fast. I have told her Marian is the one who is pregnant. I told her that Anastasia isn't pregnant at all, but I am not telling her how I know that. It is something Christian trusted me with and swore me to secrecy. He is a very lucky man is all I can say. Grandma is in seventh heaven about the marriage. She hates that I am still dating Kate after everything that happened at the party.
Oh my, my prayers have been answered Anastasia and Christian are getting married. Grace says it's very quick, but I told her Christian makes decisions quickly and they have made him a billionaire, so this isn't surprising that he would know Anastasia was the one for him. I think he just felt pushed into the engagement with Marian. After she cheated he dropped her immediately. No one really liked her, but she was good at social events. Now we know why she impressed the men, but their wives not so much. Especially the ones who saw her for what she really was a barracuda. When I met her I noticed a resemblance to Eamon Kavanagh and his other kids. She would make six that I have met. I did some digging and found out I was right she definitely is the daughter of one of his dalliances. Her mother and her live in a home she didn't buy, but was bought for her. No father in the picture and income from a trust fund. Both mother and daughter are well provided for. I gave that information to Grace and she in turn gave it Christian.
I was so happy watching the wedding of one of my grandchildren. The dress was amazing on such short notice and Anastasia invited the designer Abraham Duncan to attend the wedding so he could get more business. And he definitely did. She thinks he would be a good investment to add to her other investments. She has been turning her inheritance into a lot more money and now she has made the money back on her investments with Fred Williams. Investing in people can be a gamble, but look at Christian and what he has done with a small investment from us.
I watch as Christian and Anastasia drive off to a two week honeymoon in an undisclosed location. I caught the bouquet and Fred caught the garter. Fred is a bit older than I am and he is sweet, but he doesn't really fit in with us. But he kept me laughing about his bus driving exploits and how he met Anastasia.

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