Roz Bailey

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Christian is playing father and bringing his boy in to the office in a tiny business suit. It's adorable mind you, but wow the suit had to cost a lot and it is going to get damaged or he is going to outgrow it. Then he told me that the guy who Anastasia got into the recycling of expensive designer clothing and wedding dresses, started doing it for expensive men's garments as well and he made Theodore a wardrobe out of some damaged clothing. I looked at him and had no idea someone was doing it. He handed me A card that said Duncan's Redesigns. It said you bring it or we do and we give it a new look just for you.
Roz hadn't heard about them, but she really doesn't have a lot of time to know beyond the designer labels. I know she loved Anastasia wedding dress and asked who created it, but I guess she forgot about him. I showed her the wedding photos and told her that he did all the family's redesigns at each wedding. She was amazed. Her and her wife Gwen have two girls and are having a boy soon. She kept Duncan's card and is going to see if he can do some things for her, Gwen and the girls. She saw my office was set up so Theodore could be in it while I worked and asked if she could do the same to her office. I gave her the okay. She is after all my second in command.
Andrea Parker PA
I am sitting here typing away and my boss actually brings his two month old son with him in a very expensive suit on. Taylor is pushing the stroller and has the car seat and diaper bag on it. Someone is following with what looks like nursery furniture. Looks like we are going to have a baby in the office today. I stop and look at the baby and he is just adorable. I ask if mr Grey wants his coffee and he says yes and some breakfast as well. Then he asks me to get something for the workers as well. I ask him if we need to go over the schedule for the day and he gives me the affirmative and heads into his office. He tells me that Elliott is going to be c9ming in and out all day and they are making the empty second floor a daycare for all employees children and he knows I have children and I should be top of the list to be notified of the opening as will Roz. HR will be hiring two assistants for her soon. She will be in charge of them and do the hiring and getting background checks. He gave me a raise and headed back inside his office with Theo.
Christian insisted on taking Teddy with him to work so here I am pumping my breast milk to be taken to GEH so Teddy can eat. Carrick chuckles as he shows me a photo of Christian with Teddy sitting in his car seat on his desk looking all over the place. I miss my boy, but Christian and I made an agreement that each of us get equal baby time. Breast fed or not. He doesn't want Teddy to just want me because I have breast milk. He wants feed the baby and everything else that goes along with being a parent. Grace came by in hopes of seeing Teddy with me, but we had lunch and she headed to see Teddy at GEH. Mia told us when Teddy was two weeks old that she is having a baby as well. She is three months along and having a bit of a hard time with the pregnancy.
I have been forced to bed rest until I feel better, Fred has hired someone to be here with me and someone to manage my catering and restaurant business. Dr Greene has been very clear about Mias pregnancy and we have to watch for anything that could cause her to lose the baby. I make surprise visits so she does as the doctor has asked.
Kate Alexander
I truly hate living in the same building as Roz Bailey and her wife Gwen. Gwen works from home and she and Roz have twin girls Ingrid and Ireland Bailey Jones. They are four year old tornados. Gabe is enamored with them and keeps wanting a baby, but I am not ready yet. Mom assured my position in Kavanagh Media when she divorced Eamon. She was approached by Adam Flynn after the divorce to take up where they left off and she turned him down. Now I am not sure I made a good choice in marrying Gabe. His brother and him still work for GEH. They have had to go to tech school along with Barney Miller and his teams. They are doing it in rotations. Both Gabe and Edward will be going along with Barney directly. Security will be very tight and they are not allowed to talk or bring anything home for any reasons. Their work asses stay at the job site. Their work phones have to stay at work. They have burner phones now.
I am checking in on Mia and she has me FaceTime her. I see her baby bump and would love to be there for her, but my health and hers prevent us from doing much traveling anywhere at all. Grace has brought me into the main house. I need a nurse at this point and of course a male one, A hot one at that. He has to lift my oxygen tanks and most female nurses have trouble lifting those tanks. Grace sent me videos of Teddy sitting in Christians office like he is the boss. It's cute. They bring him over often to visit me. Of course he loves his great grandma. Anastasia has heard from her adoptive parents finally. The note simply said thanks for pictures of our grand baby and that's all it says. She seemed sad, but understood.

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