Gregory Steeles Deathbed Confessions

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Gregory Steele
I ask for a detective to confess before I go to hell for all I have done. Alberta was always able to talk me into things and it was mostly for money. She always got the money. I think she and I can now be considered serial killers. I tell them exactly what happened this evening and everything else. I explain the whole story about how Alberta thought it would be nice that Carla get a baby girl. She saw a couple in love and pregnant and made a plan to get the baby for Carla and Raymond. I had no idea she was going to kill the husband and cut the baby from the mother. We were shocked there were two babies. We cleaned the babies up and left the boy being baby sat by the hotels staff. I tell the whole story about the ten thousand dollars from Ray for Anastasia and then the two million for Fred. We pretended to be Sarah's relatives in front of others.
I tell the police that Gregory grabbed Kate and dragged her inside and dragged her to the dungeon and duct taped her and her mouth. He slashed her arm and then himself and gave me his knife and shoved me down on top of it. I tell how he came up with the whole plan to get money from his childless relative the baby of the couple in the room next to us. I tell him that killing him and then cutting the baby out of her was a good idea. He asked for ten grand for the girl. We got a boy as well.. We buried the bodies on Ray's property in a deep grave. When he found out they were from a wealthy family we used the ten thousand dollars to go up and sell the boy to Sarah Williams for two million dollars. Of course I spent Gregory's million and hid my million from him. I could always manipulate him. Then I was going to get the whole estate, but the boy baby found the girl on the bus he drove into Seattle regularly. She just happened to come to Seattle and meet her twin brother. Then he takes her home to Sarah, who no doubt noticed the resemblance. We refused to talk to her any more after she gave us the two million dollars. Then she left her estate to Anastasia, who then becomes wife of a billionaire. Now we get nothing at all. We killed for it.
Detective Watkins
I have asked for these two to be extradited Pennsylvania, we now have all the DNA evidence and fingerprints. Theirs was all over the scene and the bodies. They found the car after the hotel and we couldn't find them. Now we have. Sadly they got to live free for 26 years after taking others lives. We think they are involved in so many more murders and we will find them soon.
Detective Johnson
I had everything transcribed and recorded on dvd and they agree to allow us record their statements and sign them. Of course both have conflicting statements. But evidence proves it was her that did the killing. Then we have the testimony of Kate Alexander that Alberta slashed her after stabbing Gregory and she fell on the knife. She dragged me and duct taped me to the chair and taped my mouth.
Gabe holds my hand while I tell what happened to me, luckily I can thank Christian Grey and detectives and the coverts that were following me for actually saving my life. Alberta had every intention of killing me and my baby. She even said it, that's why Gregory stopped her and got stabbed for his actions, he shoved her away from me and she fell on top of the knife that only her prints were on. My statements were recorded on dvd and transcribed. While we were talking. The detectives got a call, apparently Gregory Steele died from a staff infection from the knife wound. It is a good thing evidence and our statements contradicted Alberta.
Kate after this I don't want you taking any chances with your life or our child's life. No reports on dangerous issues that can risk your and our babies life. I am begging you Kate, if you love me and our baby take the COO job your mom offered you.
I would be dead if it hadn't been for a lot of good people that even though they wanted me to stop delving into why a detective from Pennsylvania where Anastasia Grey hails from. I wanted to find out why he was looking into things. I heard it was regarding Anastasia and the Williams family.
You signed an NDA even if you found out anything you aren't allowed to write, talk or print it. So leave it alone now. Someone else can write this story for you. Plus don't make my boss fire me okay. Like you said they saved your life. Just let someone else who doesn't have an NDA handle it.
Okay I hug him with my good arm. Gregory saved me from being killed as well.
I am glad you are alive, who knows what they would have done or have done. Kate I think you need to see what they did to Vanessa and Robert and then sold both the twins one is Anastasia. Congratulations on the baby. You will see us in court as well along with a few more of my employees. If they could have went in legally they might have saved Gregory's life. I know you want to write this story, but Anastasia and Fred don't want you to write it. I think you can't be objective and we can see where someone else would write it unbiased.
I disagree, but my NDA is still in effect and I can't be in a bind over it. So You have the upper hand.

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