Marian Sheffield

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Marian Sheffield
I have seen the pictures of Christian and his new girlfriend, I can't believe he is dating a midget. She is very short even in heels. Friends of mine have sent videos of her and him out and about. I had someone check her background out and she's from an Amish family. I nearly had him to the altar, but Christian ended our engagement and now he has someone new. If I didn't know when she actually arrived in town I would have thought he cheated on me with her. He just happened to meet her when his dad invited her to his anniversary party. Either she is not who she says she is or she is one very lucky lady. I was supposed to attend that party with Christian, but he broke off the engagement and made me sign documents and settled with me for a million dollars, but to get it I have to sign an NDA and can't talk about him or any member of his family. I tried to bargain with him, but he told me that due to how badly I treated everyone since we got engaged they would take his side and anything I said would and could be disputed along with the fact his grandmother had pictures of me having sex with other men and I was wearing the engagement ring and in the apartment he bought me. I had no idea he had security and security cameras in all his homes or apartments. Everything was monitored. I mean everything. So grandma Trevelyan had good reason to not like me. I could have fell in love with Christian eventually. My psychiatrist thinks it has something to do with never knowing my father. Mom refused to tell me his name. She however has never worked a day, yet we live very well and my college was paid in full and I have a trust fund from an unknown source. I think someone is paying her hush money and whoever it is has to be well off. Mom tried to say her parents left her and I all we have. I know better, because Christian ran a background check on me and I found it one night. At first I was mad at him and then I was angry at my mom for lying to me. She was not from wealth at all, her parents were still alive and I found them. I saw the small house they live in, mom moved to Seattle and had me a year later. Whoever my father is, is a wealthy man now and was back then.
I am thrilled that Anastasia stayed in my apartment even if it was a guest room. We had a nice dinner and ended up watching some movies and I carried her to bed. I laid down by her and fell asleep holding her. I got up and covered her back up and went to get a shower and dress for work. I checked on her and had Fred drop some clothes off for Anastasia on his way to work. She already had extra clothing just in case and was ready for work by the time Fred arrived I invited him to eat breakfast. After all he is sort of a brother to Anastasia. Apparently he is now owner of a mechanics shop and works on everything imaginable car wise. He has hired some of his fellow employees who were ready for a change and a warm home to live inside. He pays Anastasia a percentage that she just reinvests in his place. She gave him the money, but he insisted it be a loan. She was never going to have him pay her back the loan. By rights the inheritance should have went to him anyway. But he and Sarah wanted Anastasia to have it after she took care of Sarah and him and is still caring for Fred. I think there's a reason behind her inheriting everything but the charitable donations in the will. Dad knows the real reason, but he won't divulge it. Attorney and client privilege. As Sarah Williams attorney and executor of the estate he can't divulge that information, he can only make sure he abides by her last wishes. As far as I know she can help Fred out and make sure he is okay. Sarah had him create a will as well after she had hers done. Again dad is not at liberty to say. Anastasia had to have her own will by a different attorney and dad sent her to someone he trusted completely.
I find my work clothing and shower and get dressed for work. I see Fred and Christian eating and Gail who I finally remembered her name. I barely saw her, much less met her. She's Taylor's wife apparently Jason is Taylor's first name and Taylor is his last name. Christian has always called him Taylor in my presence. We sit and have a nice breakfast that Gail made and served us. I am so not used to be waited on like this at all. Suddenly a doorbell rings.
I head to the door and see it is someone who shouldn't have access to the elevator, and doesn't but someone has brought her up in the elevator. A new front desk security, who apparently doesn't know that Marian is not allowed up here under any circumstances. I tell mr Grey and Jason who is at the door and have them deal with her. I am asked to escort her quietly to the office next to the front door and wait with her.
Gail is watching me like a hawk and I tell her I will be fine and she explains that Jason and Mr Grey insist that she wait with me until they join us. She has me sit on the sofa closest to the door and far from the computer screens. She makes sure to keep me away from the desk and the papers laying on it. Along with his electronics sitting there on it. I am surprised she hasn't asked about my weight gain.

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