Secrets Come Out

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Detective Watkins
Most think loose lips sink ships. Well criminals have records and they aren't going away. I got help from some very good people, when I found myself up against a wall on finding the killers of the man and woman. George and Sheila Williams aren't who they say they are. They served time in prison in Pennsylvania. They stole George and Sheilas identity. The reason Sarah Williams gave them a million dollars each is they knew the whereabouts of her nephew. They however didn't mention they had sold his sister for ten thousand dollars and found out Vanessa and Robert were heirs to hundreds of millions of dollars. After cutting the twins out of Vanessa and killed Robert. I found out they allowed DNA testing and it came back and their DNA was on both victims and in the hotel room. So now we have to get them extradited to Pennsylvania for all the crimes they committed. Anastasia gave me permission to look over the files Carrick had on her and Sarah. Fred agreed to allow it as well.
It's time we find out just what aunt Sarah has in her room. I think there was a good reason she told us not to bother her room or change it in any way. She wanted her room left as she always kept it. Anastasia and I are bringing Carrick and the detective over to go through the room. We got the schematics for the house. I found a door inside her walk in closet. We find photos, files, canceled checks and we keep digging until we find what we need to have George and Sheila prosecuted. Two kidnappings at least. George and Sheila are Gregory and Alberta Steele. Raymond Steeles cousins. He paid the ten grand so they wouldn't kill or sell her to worse people. He thought she was Albertas baby. This was what they told aunt Sarah but not the name of who they sold her to. They used the ten thousand to get to Seattle and find Sarah Williams. They again lied about where and who I was with. After learning about her wealth they asked for a million dollars each if they could bring her nephew to her safely. They had me all along. I was a little rough, but they gave me to my aunt. They disappeared, but Sarah ran into them. They told me they were my Sarah's kids one day and she could say a word, because they still had control over where Anastasia was at. Then she shows up on my bus of all places. I brought her home to Sarah and we did a DNA test without her knowledge. Sarah had me as an infant, but the Steeles had Anastasia until she turned 18 and she left before they forced her into a marriage she didn't want. Sarah told me because of her illness she would only have a short time with Anastasia. She searched for Robert and Vanessa but couldn't find them in Pennsylvania. Her missing persons reports were updated for that state only. She made out a new will and wanted us both to have her estate minus twenty per cent for a charity. She got it done a month after Anastasia came into our lives again. Her journals were very detailed and her record keeping was perfect. The million dollars each was detailed as money for recovery of Vanessa and Roberts baby, namely me. When they realized they couldn't get near Anastasia to kidnap her and get more money for her return. They left Pennsylvania for Seattle in hopes of blackmailing her into giving them more money. But they had no proof of Anastasia existing. No photos and nothing like what they had of me. God brought Anastasia back to her real family. No wonder she didn't want us in her or cleaning out her room. It would have been very dangerous for all of us. Our parents were killed and we think that George and Sheila or whoever they really are did it. Someone cut us out of our mother.
Detective Watkins
We were able to get everything we wanted thanks to Sarah Williams files. Raymond Steele told us the whole story and he identified George and Sheila as his cousins that sold him the girl baby. He did it to keep her safe from them. His wife begged him to keep the girl and they did. He never knew about the bloody hotel room and the missing child. Now to find them. They have been asked to give a DNA sample. They could be gone by now. But now we know what the look like and they are wanted for kidnapping, murders and a few other things We get an APB out all across the US on them now.
I find out that George and Sheila Williams are being looked for in regards to inquiry into cases involving kidnapping and other crimes. I decide to go to their house. That was a stupid move on my part. A really stupid move. I am dragged into George Williams home at gun point. He and Sheila are have drugged me and have me tied to a chair and duct taped my legs, hands, arms, mouth and body to a some crazy chair. I try to rock it, but it's bolted to the ground. I am alone and frightened out of my wits. I am supposed to meet Gabe and Edward for dinner to meet Edwards new wife and child. Now here I am watching as it gets darker in what looks like a dungeon of some kind. My source told me to leave it alone because it is dangerous to question these people and now I know why.
Well what do we do now Sheila or should we go back to Alberta and Gregory Steele. Did you have to cut the twins out of Vanessa, you could have waited until they were born you know.

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