Theodore Raymond Grey

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Anastasia woke me up with a high pitch scream. GET UP NOW. The baby is coming and fast. My water broke is what she said next, I told her to get a new one. She hit me with her pillow and said the baby is coming and my water broke.
When I got up from all the pressure on my bladder I felt a sudden horrific pain and made it to the bathroom just in time and my water broke while I was on the toilet. I yelled the baby is coming and my water broke after yelling get up now. He told me to get a new water. I was able to get up and grab a towel and placed it to catch the fluids as I went and smacked my husband in the face with my pillow and t9ld h8m my water broke and not the kind you can get a new one. He finally woke up and realized we needed to get to the hospital and quickly.
Talk about timing we get Anastasia just in time to deliver her son three minutes later. He was 17 inches long and 6 pounds and two ounces. Mr Grey was scared and thrilled at how short the wait was when we finally arrived at the hospital. It was like the baby waited until he knew it was safe to make his appearance into the world. Gail is holding down the home fires as usual. Extra security is watching over the newest Grey.
Christian called and told me that Anastasia had the baby. It is eight am and she had him at four am. I am excited to see my grandchild the first of many I hope. Mom and Carrick have heard and they want to go see the baby. Christian forgot to tell me anything else as he hung up to call his siblings.
He is excited about his baby. Let's go see the little baby. We head out and thirty minutes later we are looking at Theodore Grey. My eyes tear up at seeing my great grandson being named after my darling husband.
Christian is beaming from ear to ear. I ask how Anastasia is and he said other than having to hit him with a pillow to wake him up to get her to the hospital after her water broke she is okay. I laughed and looked at Theodore Grey sleeping the sleep of the innocent. Suddenly our family thunders down the hallway to see their new family member.
I am so happy to see our new family member and soon their will be another family member. I am just newly pregnant. Fred and I are very happy. Grandma is so happy about the name Theodore. If we have a girl we are naming her Madison Sarah or Madison Grace.
He is a cute little dickens, tiny though, but so is Anastasia. I can't wait until Mia and I hold our baby in our arms. She has cut back on her hours, but she works the schedule as well. I know she loves her job and I want that for her, but we have to figure out how we are going to handle the baby care when it comes. I started having a daycare installed in the shops away from all the dangerous things. I am having someone come in and design a safe place for kids and babies in our shops.
I can see your wheels turning, I can't wait either and we will have to be patient and practice on our nephew.
Theo is a cutie pie, but Quinn and I aren't ready for one of these, but we definitely want them. I look over at Quinn as she smiles down at the baby and babies. We had to move so other families can see their new family members.
They bring my little Theo to me finally and I feed him and he is definitely hungry. He looks like both me and Christian.
I am scared to hold him, but mom shows me how and then how to change his diaper. Anastasia is laughing at me, she knows how to care for a baby because of how she was raised.  I ask Elliott to find a safe place for GEH to have a daycare so I can have my boy close by me. Dad already has one in his building. Roz has been on me about it, so now she will get her day care.
We take a lot of pictures and I take mom home to rest, all this excitement is wearing her out. We have lunch and she lays down in the guest room.
I have a meeting and we now have another Williams heir and a Grey heir. So Christian is trying to get everything set up for a trust fund and college fund for his boy.
A few people have came by to see Theodore and they have brought gifts for him and Anastasia. Roz and I have a word with Elliott about the daycare.
I pull out the plans for the day care at GEH and hand them to Elliott. He laughs and says he now knows why I am Christian second in charge.
I already set up daycares in my company, because we have parents who need it and we have more reliable workers if they don't have to worry about good quality caretakers and safe environments for children. I have a safety inspector that has created a lot of these kinds of areas for homes and offices. We hired some professionals that know all about safety for infants to adults. I have a special department just for this reason and many more reasons. Handicapped people need special environments as well. So they create for individuals needs and that's why we are highly sought after to build all kinds of buildings and homes.

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