Elliott Marries

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I get Quinn's parents blessing to ask her to marry me. I am ready to marry and become a father. Quinn is going to be a beautiful bride. It has been six months since Mias wedding and grandpas death. Christian and Anastasia just announced their pregnancy and it got me thinking that I want that with Quinn.
Elliott has been talking about the baby that his brother and his wife are going to have in seven or so months. I am very much in love with this man. I can picture him holding a baby and making goofy faces and sounds at him or her. Cheryl and Andrew are happily married after a quick trip to the courthouse. Their schedule is so busy they couldn't get a good day and they wouldn't for a few years. So we went down with the family and had a wedding in the courthouse. They pulled some strings and got the family into a courtroom and not just a tiny office. Madison was thrilled and happy to be at a wedding. She asked Elliott and I when we would tie the knot. I blushed and Elliott kissed me and said when we are ready.
I was given the blessing to ask Quinn to marry me. I have the rings for us already. Platinum with diamonds and the main diamond is a heart shaped diamond. The inscription is to have love is to have life. Quinn will know what I mean by that. It was something we both agreed about when we finally said we loved each other. We ran into Kate and her husband at Escala that day. It was very uncomfortable for me, not so much for Quinn, she grabbed me and kissed me hard in front of them. I had no idea they lived one floor down from Christian and Ana. Christian told me later that Gabe and Edward Alexander were employees and they are used as stand ins in certain situations. Gabe is married to Kate and there is nothing he can do about it. They have to be close just in case and one floor down is what works best for him. 
Kate is definitely a huge pain in our butts, believe me. We have security with us at all times now. She has been known to make some odd comments. Something about having married a younger version of Christian. I knew she had a thing for Christian even when Elliott and her were dating. I would catch her flirting with Christian when he was alone and he shrugged her off him and finally had security prevent her from coming close to him again.
You definitely missed a bullet there Elliott. She wouldn't leave me alone. I had security keep her at a distance. She really wanted the money Elliott. You never saw what she did to Anastasia on a regular basis, but others did. Gabe has been told this as well. He hasn't had to deal with her on it yet. Now that Anastasia is pregnant we are moving to a new home on the sound the one you will be remodeling. I show him the home we are wanting to buy. I want him to do the inspection and see if is worth the money to update everything to make it what we want.
That's a nice place a lot of land and homes on the grounds. We look at the photos from the realtors pages and it is huge and by the sound. Wonder if the double mints will moving out there in one of the homes. It would definitely be a bad idea. With Kate hovering about and causing trouble. She can't get in this apartment, but she could gain access to them at the new home. But security could make sure she can't access them.
I could have them housed in another location close by so she can't gain access to the estate. I think there is a small gated community close by. She would have to go through their gates and then she couldn't get access to our home at all. She wouldn't need to. Security would be all over the place.
Wait are we really that concerned about Kate gaining access to us?
Yes we are, especially since you are pregnant.
Do I need to wear a vest and my gun?
No just take security with you everywhere you go. I hired a few women to protect you as well. You will meet them soon. Quinn hate to tell you, but we are putting security on all the family since we have death threats on everyone lately.
I got a few at work.
Anastasia have you gotten any?
Your dad is having security go through all my mail. He sends me the safe mail, but shows you the bad ones. I guess you should have him check Quinn's mail now as well. I have forwarded on the ones who send them to my email addresses. Those are old threats from the first days of working there and  they haven't even heard of since being fired.
Still we need to see those as well. Just in case.
I will forward everything and let you judge them for yourself. I check an click them and his phone beeps as he keeps getting the messages.
We can work it out to set up a perimeter that may help with her ability to gain access to us so we decide to look at an alternative  and close off the home furthest away from the main house and you can make sure she can't gain access to your home at any time. She might get shot.
No shooting unless, it's necessary to save a life. We can check out what we can get done when we go look at  the hon. Since you two are here let's go check it out.

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