Elliott Finds Love

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Andrew has asked if he can take me to dinner and also asks if he can drive me home. I ask Elliott if he would care and he tells me he was about to ask if he could take Andrews sister home and I could definitely go ahead home and allow Andrew to drive me home. Looks like Madison has found us a match.well I hope she has.
I always wanted to meet Elliott, but he has been very busy and now here he is. Mia has been too busy to introduce us. So her grandmother introduces us. Then she introduces his friend to my brother. Elliott drives me home and I invite him inside. We definitely hit it off. He stayed the night. Breakfast was fun and we relaxed the whole day in my huge bed.
Cheryl is a good person and I asked for a date for the next day. She invites me inside and we watch a few movies and fall asleep on her sofa. I wake up holding her in my arms . She is beautiful and I definitely need to let her take the lead on this, so I don't scare her off. I fall too easily for ladies and have been trying to slow down doing that.
I am embarrassed that we fell asleep on my sofa. I ask him if he is hungry and he definitely is and I make him some food and coffee.
I definitely had a great time with Quinn, we are going to spend the day together, I just need to shower and get some more clothes, so she showers with me and we head to get me some clean clothing at my home. She gets a call from Andrew and laughs at what he has told her. She says that he and Cheryl fell asleep on her sofa watching movies and they are also spending the day together. She failed to tell him we are doing the same thing.
I don't want my brother to know that I had sex with Elliott at all. It is none of his business and that is how it is going to stay. Elliott and I just hit it off and I am happy about it and he seems happy as well. We are going to spend a day on his brothers boat and he has planned the day for us so I can grab a swimsuit and whatever I need to enjoy or day in the boat.
Elliott is using the boat today and I told him to make sure he has the staff clean it afterward. Changing sheets and everything. I know him and his exploits. Anastasia says at least he is having fun again and he was so sad lately even with Cheryl around. I saw Cheryl go home with Andrew Ellsworth. I don't know if she knows that Elliott took Quinn home, but not his home.
Dad is not feeling well and we took my parents to our home, so I could keep an eye on him and mom. I have been up and keeping an ear and eye out for my parents. Mom yells for me and I run into the guest room. She is crying and I see why, I check dads pulse. I call the Emts, but it's too late, I go through the CPR and wait for the ambulance. I don't want to call time of death on my own father. Mom is standing there crying as I watch the EMTs call time of death and they call the coroner to come pick up dads body. I calm mom down and we get Carrick to pull out Dads will and what he wants when he dies. I am holding mamas we tell the coroner everything and he releases the body to the funeral home. Sadly we will relate dads death with Mias wedding.
He has wrote everything out very clearly. Madison gets everything. He wants buried in the family plot by Madison We have had a bad day and get everything taken care of before we call anyone. This is quite the sad end to a great weekend and Mia getting married.
Dad calls and tells me grandpa has died in his sleep. The funeral is on Wednesday and he hangs up to call Christian. I tell Quinn we need to head back to shore. I will let her know later. We had a lot of fun on the boat. I had the crew stay where they couldn't see us sunbathing and other things. They know me well, we were naked and having sex, we went out pretty far to be able to do that. Sex on Christians boat is perfect and on the bedding on the back of the boat is great. Even Kate hasn't done this. I want to bring her out for an overnight and weekend or a week. Nothing better than sex under the stars. I have done it at Christians penthouse apartment on his patio and the balcony. If I thought it was safe to do it on the helipad I would. Quinn is unafraid to try things out with me, but I suspect it is not just me. We go shower together of course. I won't let this woman go.
Dad calls and says grandpa died this morning in his sleep at their house. Mom had them stay with them, because grandpa wasn't feeling well at the wedding. He laid down and had to awakened to bring him to their house. Anastasia said his color was bad, but he refused to lay down until mom insisted he go lay down.
We have left for our honeymoon and we are out of contact when I got the message from mom about grandpa dying. He died the day after our wedding. Fred said he thought grandpa looked ill.
We need to get back for the funeral. We can take our honeymoon later. I think it's important for you to say goodbye to your grandfather.

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