Carrick Grey's Confession

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I tell Anastasia that what I told Sarah's children was the truth, that she did leverage her assets to get her two ungrateful kids the million dollars each. But they didn't need to know about her ability to make money at a drop of a hat. Christian knows her very well. He laughed when he heard I was the executor of her will. Apparently she has a team of attorneys she could have had worked on her will, but she chose you for some reason. I failed to tell him that her heir is an excellent employee of mine. She chose me because of that. She said that we could both keep her safe from her kids if they ever found out she was going to inherit it all. Fred didn't want a thing, but Sarah knew that Anastasia was going to see that he was going to be taken care of as well. It went without saying she would make sure he had everything he would need. He wants to go back to driving the bus, but he is staying until he knows they are going to leave Anastasia alone. I make an appointment for the final paperwork and to have an investment counselor talk to her about here investments. Sarah made sure she had it set in motion before she passed away.
I go back to work in my new position as IT support. Carrick found out I was good at technology so he had me trained and I take courses in my spare time. I have also been taking legal courses as well, so I could understand more about wills and inheritance and the taxes involved in it. I am not used to having such amounts of money or anything in such abundance. I want to stay just as I was raised as far as only use what is needed to survive daily. But I also want to experience my new life and learn new things to survive in my new world. I don't believe I deserve what Sarah left me, but her letter suggest that she knew that unlike her children I wouldn't squander what she gave me and I would always keep a place for Fred and I to live in. Plus I would ease others burdens if needed and I did. She told me her and Fred's feelings about me being there for her and him until they pass away. She said Fred chose me and he was right about me as he was an excellent judge of character. My life has already started changing. Carrick told me George couldn't afford to overturn the will and Sheila wouldn't bother. She still had most of the million Sarah had given her and felt it was more than she deserved. She sent a letter to Carrick to forward on to me. George however is trying other ways to overturn the will and has been blocked at every turn.
I am told that not matter what I do I can't overturn moms will. Sheila has told me to sell some of my toys and get on with my life. She won't help overturn the will. David can't be involved in the case and he said even if her was able to handle the case he is expensive and I would have to come up with a retainer and his fees to just file. He said it would be a waste of time to go up against Carrick in court. My wife isn't happy and she is going to divorce me and I don't blame her a bit. I want what should be mine. David told me if I had been there for mom all along I wouldn't be in this situation. He inherited along with his sister everything his dad had minus charities. David and Wendy were given forty percent of everything each. The law firm will be giving twenty percent of all income yearly as well. I wonder if Sarah has that in her will as well? I look at the will more thoroughly and there it is, she has a charity as well listed to get twenty percent of cash assets only. Hmm interesting.
Carrick and Fred have hired security for me and they are upgrading the alarm systems in the properties now. Carrick has sent letters to the people who have leases on the other homes informing them that the homes have a new owner due to the death of the owner. Their leases will be honored and when the lease comes up for renewal they will be asked to come and discuss how to proceed from that point on. Fred said they have regular maintenance on all the properties. He will always have a home and money if needed and he knows that. I wanted to write something up, but he said like he trusted me t live with his aunt he also knew he wouldn't need for anything at all, because I would make sure he has everything he needs which is very little.
Carrick and I are worried about George thinking if something happens to Anastasia that the will can be overturned it can't be. Anastasia has gotten a lot of return to sender mail back from her family so she has stopped sending anything to her family in Pennsylvania. She looks sad, but then hides it. She needs to find some friends at this point.
I drop by with Elliott, and Christian to see dad some we can plan the anniversary party for mom and dad. Dad has been very busy lately and almost forgot his thirtieth wedding anniversary. So he we are talking to Jackie about the invitation lists and we find a name or two on the list we normally don't see. Anastasia Steele and Fred Williams. Dad said mom hired Anastasia and he figured she would enjoy seeing her again after over two years. So we get the addresses and looks like they live in the same home. Jackie said they are living in the house she inherited from his aunt. She can't go into it any further because she is a client as well as an employee.
Isn't that a conflict of interest?
Apparently not, you know that your father is a stickler for the rules, so he has limited his contact with her here at work. Unless it pertains to her files. There are others in the meetings as well. Namely me and mr Williams.
Is she hot?
Is who hot?
Anastasia Steele?
I only have eyes for your mother, so I don't look at other women like you single people do.

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