A Reality Check

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They leave me alone with Stewart Jacobs, he gives me a look and hands me a card he just wrote on and tells me that he will be in touch and calling from the number on his card. I look at it and put it in my purse to read what it says later. Can't have anyone suspicious of my knowing Stewart Jacobs one of the best family attorneys in Seattle. He just so happens to be employed by my ex fiancé. He also is married with twins, we met at a bar one night when he and his wife had a huge fight. It was when Christian had a major deal and he had to cancel yet another date with me. I wait until Christian comes back and he tells me he will let me know when the testing will take place and he has Gail show me out. Jason stays behind and Ryan is standing by the door ready to see me out of the building. Another suspect in fatherhood of my baby. He asks me point blank if he could possibly be the father? I tell him no, even though he makes a great salary he doesn't have Christians money. I keep that last part to myself.
Something tells me that she doesn't know who the real father is and is going for the billionaire. Everything is recorded, so I am pretty sure she's going to have a word with Anastasia Steele and hopes she is able to eliminate her from Christians life. I heard mr Grey telling Anastasia about what Marian wanted and it sounded like she wasn't stepping aside to allow Marian back in his life like before. But why did she wait this long to tell him? Something is very screwy about this whole thing. She looks like she's carrying more than one baby.
Stewart Jacobs
Mr Grey asks me if Marian had said anything while he was gone. I tell him she didn't say much, but I gave her my card so she can call me about the paternity test.
Okay, but tell me who you are having do the testing so we can make sure they are thorough.
Stewart Jacobs
I assure him they are and that we use them quite often. I know him though he won't just take my word for it. He will check with his mother the doctor and then do a background check on the place. I watch as he checks a few things on his laptop and phone. He then tells me that he wants me to work along with his father on this and Carrick will be in touch with me about all of it. His mother will make the appointments with the OB GYN as well only the best for his potential baby. I agree and he tells me his dad and mother will be in contact soon and I am to work with them and Marian Sheffield on everything from now on. He will get reports and copies of the sonograms and I need to get that agreed to as well. He dismisses me and tells me to call once everything is set up.
I wait until we know the attorney has left and knock on mr Grey's office door and he laughs as I walk inside and he asks me if I have everything ready for Marians attempt to get Anastasia out of my life. I have indeed got everything ready and dad is now available to chat with Anastasia and warn her that Marian is might be arriving soon. He knows what his son has asked me to tell him and we have the PIs files and there were two missing men we found out about. Ryan is one and Jacobs is the other potential father. We decided to dig a little deeper into who is actually Marians biological father. Now that we can get her DNA tested we have a certain man in mind thanks to Madison Trevelyans grapevines from the past. It is surprising the kind of information that older people retain. Madison is one of my favorite rich people, she is hilarious and honest and treats good people well. Snobs not so much. Gail loves her and makes her all kinds of treats and has them taken to her.
I head straight to see the midget that is Anastasia Steele. I know exactly where she is at right now. I walk into Grey Law firm and they have a new receptionist and I am given directions on where to find Anastasia at. I walk to her office door and knock on it, but there's no answer and the phone is ringing. Suddenly I see her with Carrick and Grace Grey heading towards me. Christian set me up to be ambushed. He knew I would make a beeline to chat with Anastasia.
Wow Marian when are you due?
In three months. I need to have a chat with Anastasia if you don't mind? Alone.
They might not mind, but I do mind and anything that you need to say has to be said in their presence. Did you think Christian would let me be blindsided but an unexpected visit by you?
Let's go into Anastasias office, of course everything will be recorded so we have proof of what is said later. Come Marian let's chat shall we? She pales as she realized she has walked into the lions den. I wished Madison was here to watch this, but I will make sure she gets copies lol.
This should be private between Anastasia and myself after all she is dating the baby's father.
Well now let's all hear what you have to say about the babies father shall we? Plus I understand you are getting a paternity test done and have threatened to marry someone else and have their names put on the birth certificate. My son has informed all of us, so rather than everyone know any more of your business, I recommend you do as you are told. We have solid evidence it could be numerous men's child. So it's your decision private or public?

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