Kates Nose For News

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Detective Watkins
I had to check in with the Seattle police department before I could see the Grey family and ask for the DNA test so I started with the patriarch. I know the family has a stellar reputation and they will want answers. But I now know that her possible aunt died and they were pretty sure she was her niece. They just didn't have a lot of information on where her parents were until now. I am walking out of the police station when I am accosted by a woman stating she is Kate Kavanagh and wanted to know why a detective from Pennsylvania was investigating anything or anyone in Seattle Washington. I told her it was an ongoing investigation and even if it wasn't it is a police matter and nothing will ver been released to a mews reporter. She seemed offended and said she is a journalist not a news reporter. I told her she could have fooled me since she is standing outside the police department and not inside it. I excused myself and left to see Carrick Grey.
Carrick asked me to come to his office and bring the little executive with me. I grab the stroller and places everything I will need and the baby inside it. We head up and Teddy is laughing as we get into the elevator. He loves riding in it. I knock on Carricks door and he has me come inside. He has someone there with him. When the guy tells me he is from Pennsylvania and is a detective and is investigating bodies found on her parents farm. He goes on to say he thinks they are my real parents. He pulls out the photos and asks me if I would consent to a DNA test. All I could do is agree. Sadly I am told they think my real last name is Williams. I have to sit down. I hear Carrick calling Christian and asks him to join us.
Is Anastasia okay? Is something wrong with Teddy? Dad tells me it's important and he also needs to call Fred and have him join us for what he has to say. Dad tells me it has something to do with Anastasia and her real parents.
I tell Mia that her father wants to see me, but alone. When I arrive I am introduced to a detective from Pennsylvania. He wants to do a DNA test on Anastasia and I. We both agree to do it so we can find out if we are related. Sarah said she thought we were. Now we can find out if we are. But I asked why he would need to know after all these years he goes into details. And we are interrupted by Christian exploding into the room. He checks Anastasia and Teddy then me and his dad to see if we are okay. He picks up his little man and holds him and Anastasia snugly in his arms. The whole story is explained and they are trying to figure out things. The detective asks questions and then asks why Sarah left everything to Anastasia. I explain what she had told me her reasons why. The detective thinks there might be something else. He asks about George and Sheila her own children. He wants to see if he can get their DNA tested as well.
Can you have their tests done without us present, because they are still unhappy about Anastasia and Fred being the family she left her estate to. Even though Anastasia has no clue who her parents are. The detective says they have found two bodies on her adoptive families farm and think she is the victims baby. Mr Steele gave him pertinent information that led him to Anastasia. The adoption was never legal and never questioned.
Detective Watkins
We can do that, I can have Fred and Anastasia tested today, but it sounds like a court order might be needed for George and Sheila. I am about to call, but Carrick Grey says his wife can get the test ordered at her office and it would be better that way and kept completely private.
Carrick asks me to have DNA testing for Anastasia and Fred. I can tell by Carrick's tone and the need for secrecy that it's urgent and extremely important. So thirty five minutes later we have the swabs done and on their way to an independent lab. The detective and I will get the tests results in two days. He has to get George and Sheilas, but after what he has been told it might take a court order. Odd.
Detective Watkins
I ask Fred for photos of George and Sheila and he doesn't have any. He says he can see if there are any at his home in his aunts room. Anastasia speaks up and says there weren't any of them ever. She only knew about the kids because Sarah told her about them. She had never saw them until the reading of the will. I find it odd that she had no pictures of her own children.
I tell him there aren't any of me until I came to Seattle and started dating Christian. Christian kisses my forehead and smiles. Teddy is getting restless, so it's feeding time and diaper changing. Christian grabs the diaper bag and his mother shows him where he can change Teddy and warm up the bottle. While Christian is gone he shows me more and he tells me he has to take pictures of me and Fred along with George and Sheila. His main question is why the big gap in ages of us and them? I never thought about that before now. Sarah didn't have a lot to say about her past or her age. Christian comes back with a sleeping Teddy and we head home after everything we have heard and listened to. Grace
I tell them we will know pretty soon about whether we are related to the victims and each other.

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