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As I lay my head down my thoughts go to the dream I love best. I start by getting ready to dance, in my ballet slippers. I feel light as air as I start my pirouette. I am spinning into it and into it, until I am flying off the ground. It's like I am floating on air. I believe if we think we can have the dreams we want when we arrive in dreamland.
Flying is one of my most peaceful dreams I wake calmer and have slept more peacefully than ever. I can see everything when I fly. My flight has no requirements as I float it's just me  clouds and blue skies.
In my dreams I can be anything I want to be, I can accomplish everything in my dreams. I see wonderful people in my dreams. People who left for heaven to watch over me and protect me. Ahh yes dreams can be wonderful. To be blessed with good dreams is lucky.
Today I am standing here waiting for the bus to take me to the place the movie I saw. Sleepless in Seattle. I thought it was a sign. So I am riding a bus from Pennsylvania to Seattle. I don't have much to carry and I keep it where I can see it. I never wear my backpack the way it is supposed to be. I wear it like I look nine months pregnant. I also have a baseball cap on my head. Before I bought my ticket I cut my hair off into a boy-cut. I put on a cheap pair of sunglasses. I don't talk to anyone at all. A guy tried to get a conversation going, but I just nodded and shook my head and then started using sign language. Hardly anyone learns sign language. Luckily he gets off after three hours. Then I get the fruitcake next to me. I pretend to be asleep until he tries to open my back pack. I scream at him and yell for the bus driver and he calls the cops and has the guy arrested for attempted robbery. Now I am having to sit by the driver so no one bothers me again. The guy tells the new driver to keep an eye out for me. At this point they know I am Amish and each new driver looks out for me. I thank them when I finally arrive in Seattle. They tell me a safe place to find a room and a bank to set up an account. I have to rent the room and then get the account setup. Had to have an address to get an account.
I am walking into the bank when a young kid runs into me trying to cross the street. If I didn't know any better I would think it was a young woman, but with the backpack I can't tell and the baseball cap and sunglasses are a good disguise. But that excuse me please is pure feminine. Plus she smells very feminine. I hold the door for her and again a soft feminine voice says thank you. I see the manager heading my way and we shake hands and ask h8m to hold on a moment. He sees the person I am looking at and he grins. She is sitting at new accounts and we both go closer to hear her name. Okay not such a nice thing to do, but I hear Anastasia Rose Steele 9/15/2003. She just turned 18, she's like 7 years younger than I am. So we head to the managers office and again she so busy putting things in her backpack she again runs into me. I tell her we need to stop meeting like this and she looks like a deer in the headlights. It's like she's never heard the term before.
I have an interview for a job and need to get something to wear. I run into the man again, he smells so good and he wears that suit like a glove. He says something and I just say I am sorry yet again and run for the door and fine the second hand store my landlord told me about. My interview is for a clerk at a law firm. No experience needed. I find something and change into it and get a bit of makeup and check my legs to see if they need shaved. The Grey law firm is very close by thank goodness. I walk in and say I am here for the clerk job. Everyone and their brother are here for the same job. I have filled out my application in no time and give it back to the receptionist. She looks it over and then asks me to have a seat. The others have filled out all kinds of job slots.
I walk out and see the latest job applicants sitting wearing the sluttiest clothing they could find to wear until one of the young ladies with a cute bob catches my eye. I know what the others are her for and it's not to work. It's in hopes they either lead my husband astray or get a chance at Christian or Elliott when they come to meet Carrick for lunch. I ask Silvia for the girl with the bobs application and she has no real job experience except for working as a farm hand. I chuckle and ask Anastasia Steele to follow me. I tell Silvia to wait ten minutes and let the sluts know we have filled the clerk position. She laughs and tells me I made a safe choice.
Grace brings a young lady into my office to interview for the clerks job. I already knew what I would find when I placed the ad for a clerk. She hands me the application and the second I see her previous address I know why Grace chose her. She is Amish and trying to escape from Pennsylvania. I ask her all kinds of information and she is very smart and then ask if she is looking for a husband as well?
If I was merely wanting to get married I had plenty of offers on the farms in Pennsylvania. I want more than being a broodmare. I want to be independent and find my own way in the world.
Well when can you start?
Any time you want me to.
Well let's get you to HR and this is my wife and she saved me from all the other women out there along with my sons. Grace and I walk her to HR and I leave her in their capable hands I see Silvia wink at Grace. She most likely sent all the other women h9me, because no one is waiting.

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