Barney Makes An IT Visit

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Barney Miller Head IT GEH
My boss has me playing nerd in his fathers firm to catch some people trying to cause some problems on clients files and it is in the IT department. I am to play my natural self. All the while setting up some very expensive equipment to catch some spies internally. They have suspects, but want me to ferret them out myself that way they can't pin it on anyone else. So far they have been trying. So I am to set up a trap inside an assistants office and record everything there and then set up separate equipment on the individual terminals along with video and recording devices to catch anything else. No actual clients will be in direct contact with these people so I can work within any boundaries Inwish to catch whoever is behind the spying and sabotage. I came in with new hires. My first assignment is the newly promoted assistants office. I had to come in over the weekend to set everything up and my security teams along with my it guys all set everything up and Carrick Grey gave us the green light to update everything and train their upper management IT people to assure they knew how to operate it all. I will stay as a new hire in the department. Training will be with the new assistant. And Steele and then I will be turned loose after she realizes I don't need a lot of training. So far she seems to be a very loyal employee, but even loyal employees can fool you.
I wait until lunch and break into Anastasias office and call dad and he tells me what to do and then has me check for the files or emails for Anastasia, but there's nothing at all in her trash bin or anything on her computer. I click on something and a video comes up. It's the training module we all had to go through. Weird I try her desk and then the file cabinet. Then I notice a closet and open it up and a safe is there and files are laying right on top. One is Sarah Williams will, I grab it and open it up and look at it. I take copies of it on her copy machine and 0lace it back in the piles of files. Then I notice a will for Fred Williams and then Anastasia Steeles will. I make quick work of copying everything and make sure everything is left in place. I get out just minutes before the nerd Barney arrives at his cubicle. I send an email to the email dad gave me. I tell h8m to meet me later and we can go over everything.
I let Carrick and Christian know we have one of our spies and she is meeting her dad later with her so called evidence. We suspected something but couldn't prove it until we got it all recorded. Anastasia is definitely not the spy. But Felicity has had help to be able to get into a locked office and locked drawers. That someone had spare keys to get into places. We have to figure out how and who gave them to her. I am watching all the terminals via my computer and no one is really paying that much attention to me, but I notice two employees have disappeared one being Felicity another being Todd Smith. I go through and check everything they have done and notice some major changes on the files they were given. I go in and correct it all after informing Carrick of the two who sabotaged the documents. It was intentional. Security has been notified and now we have two people we can prove have committed crimes and can be fired and arrested. Now we have to catch Felicity handing over what she copied in Anastasias office. Anastasia is definitely not guilty of anything at all they need to arrest those two, but they still need to pick up George Williams he set this in motion. So by the end of tonight they will have all three in custody and I can go back to my own job after I help correct all the things Todd and Felicity have screwed up. It took me and Anastasia the better part of the day. Then all of the next day to set all the documents entered right. We even found some errors on other things and saved Carrick and his firm a lot of money. He gave us a bonus for doing that. Apparently Anastasia had no idea that I was from GEH and was investigating her department and her for spies and sabotage inside it. It didn't surprise her that there were people doing things, because someone tried to sabotage her already and she caught the problems before it left her hands.
I am sitting here waiting for Felicity and Todd, they are five minutes later than they said they would be. Finally they c9me inside and we sit and they hand me the files and I check all of it over and smile at what they have accomplished. Now we can overturn the will and kick miss Steele and Fred out of my home. I promised them both a portion, that's not going to happen kids or not they don't deserve a dime. As I look at the last files I hear my name and a Policeman and Carrick Grey standing by Christian Grey and several policemen placing me under arrest along with Todd and Felicity all of us are being read our rights in the middle of the restaurant while everyone is taking photos and videotaping for Facebook and other on line media. The police take all the papers and all our phones and empty my pocket and finds my unlicensed gun. The gun turned out to be a stolen one and used in a murder of all things. So bail was set high for me and my kids.

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