One mouth of filler? seems alright for comedy

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Michelle pov

I was now sitting on my knees as I'm being looked down by two of the last Ackerman minus Kenny whose with- wait give me a moment ... oh yeah! Military Police Brigade's First Interior Squad and the captain as well with being the Captain of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad. The ones that are protecting the Fritz family aka the Reiss family also silent those who try to spread the word about the people outside the island and such. Oh if I forgot their also the true royal family being having royal blood.

Anyways, I'm being stared down by Mikasa and dwarf size Levi here as with a few members of his squad and Eren's friend along with himself.

Hange: So you mean to tell me that you just woke up and all of your boy parts of being male change or removed to become female. If I'm getting it? She said as she was looking at me with such a stare.

Mike: Yes, ma'am! and I don't know if this is the result of my beast abilities or my titan abilities, but in this case yes. (mind): God help me all of these stares are just killing me right now.

Once this is over Levi took in charge of what's going to happen to me or I was just a bit paranoid as he speaks up.

Levi: Alright, for now I will assigned someone to be on watch on you cow.

I felt like I was just fucking shot by a fucking bullet as he just called me cow damn big tits for Levi is not a good combination. Shit my soul

Riraura (mind): Damn even I felt that.

Lily (mind): That's Levi for ya, savage little man in anime history mother fucka has Black Air Forces activity around.

Will / Zane: Facts

Mike: Ouch! * puts on hand to her chest * my heart (mind): Shut the fuck up you bastards! I'm being mentally attack right now.

Hange: Okay then! * claps hands together * I will report this to the commander and Petra I want you to company Mike or in this case Michelle. As to put some clothes on because well ...

There's a few seconds, but all the guys looked away as with me gaining more death stares from everyone. So this how it feels to be the female character who has the biggest tits in the anime.

Petra: Sure, come on Michelle! we need to get you into uniform!

Michelle: Wait what-

Petra grabs my hand and off I go to the world of the females and you know what's bad about this.

Michelle (mind): I don't know when this goes away or even when I change back !? fuck!

Petra and I got to a room where it seems where all the clothing or the rest of the clothing martial is here. Petra goes to one of the covers and gets out a uniform that seemed .. tight .. very tight ..

Petra: So, how does it feel to be a woman?

Michelle: To be honest here very strange and kinda weird in many then just one.

Petra: Well welcome to womanhood! now try this and let's see if this would fit you.

I then looked down on my clothes and looked at her and tried my damnedest to have a cool fast and not to blush. I started to remove my clothes being my sweater and with not wearing no bra well her expression went to- you know what I mean.

Petra (shocked): By the walls what parent gave you those !?

Michelle: I ... I really don't want to talk about. (Mind): Fuck you Riraura

Riraura (mind): Your welcome! ~

Michelle (mind): Fuck off!

Once I took the clothes I have on off I tried to put on this stuff as I did it was the Scout's uniform. I then tried to button up my chest area along with putting on a white shirt to cover my chest. But, the problem-

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