Training Team RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY

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Lily POV

After what happen yesterday I ad to explain to what happen to Mike these pass days. Ozpin gave or to send a warning next time to my bro. From that we all headed to our class for today, but as the best sister I did his work and he thanked me for that. After a few class it was our freedom because since the event that took place last night today's classes were cut short. I'm not complaining right now I'm eating with Neo and Amber they're still getting the looks, but got used to it. I don't know where my bro is, but he told me he had to face Ruby's punishment. As we continue to eat I see team _WBY, JNPR, and surprisingly team CVFY.

Yang: Hey! team GAMER! can we sit here with you guys? we need a talk?

Jaune: Us too!

Coco: Don't forget about us! I have to thank the leader of this team.

Lily: Sure! come and sit!

All three teams sit in our table now they all had their food and started to talk to one another.

Lily: Hey! Yang, where's Ruby?

Yang: Well she said she needed to punish Mike for his stunt he did last night. But that's not the point here.. I want to ask your bro something?

Jaune: Us too! I need to ask Mike something as well plus my team.

Coco: Also us!

This was a surprise for me that all of the teams in Beacon wants to ask Mike something.

Lily: What do you want to ask Mike?

Yang/Jaune/Coco: I want Mike to help us with training! They said in unison.

My eyes widen from what they wanted. They want my brother to train them!

Lily: Okay first explain please.

Yang: Well from the news last night Weiss wanted him to teach her something, Blake wants him to teach her how to be more.. quick, and for me I want to see if I can improve my moves.

Jaune: For us Pyrrha and I want to improve our swordsmanship, Nora wants to move faster with her hammer so she wants to ask for your help Lily and Ren.. well he wants to know if Mike can teach him a few recipes.

Coco: Finally us! I want to know how he made your team uniform in such a great fashion, Velvet wants you two teach her not to be pushed around, Fox wants to improve his senses and Yatsuhashi wants to know how to improve his movements as well from you Lily.

They all looked at me with such determined look on there faces.

Lily: Well alright he's probably in your team room Yang. So let go and what's his punishment from Ruby is.


So with that we all agreed to meet Mike and get his help for training. After we all ate we all headed to team RWBY room as we made it Yang knocked at the door.

Yang: Ruby! its Yang can we all come in?

Ruby(muffled from the door): Yeah! you can come in!

Yang then open the door and what we saw just shocked me and everyone outside. Mike is sleeping in a dog superman position as he was laying onto on Ruby lap. Ruby in the other hand had a brush and brushing Mikes tail and his ears. Everyone outside was either speechless or happy.

Ruby: Hey guy! what's up!

Yang: Little sis... what are you doing?

Ruby: Oh yeah! this is his punishment I'm brush and playing with his wolf ears and tail.

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