The "Motivation" to FIGHT and being Afraid

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Mike POV

Right now I'm sweating with bullets because what happen yesterday. Right now Lily told me after she see this fight she's going to visit Weiss and Winter. For now I need to focus on the battle.
(Author: In the last chapter Lily saw the fight so if anyone is confused is that that part and this part are in different times)

Neo: You worry about getting killed by a bird?

Mike: Yup.

Neo: I wish you my better luck explaining this.

Mike: I'm so fucked..

Right now Neo and I are in the arena with Coco and Yatsuhashi as we waited for the arena to change. Suddenly Port speaks in the intercom.

Port(Intercom): Mike and Neo of Beacon! versus Coco and Yatsuhashi also from Beacon.

From the back ground I could hear Velvet saying "Good luck to you four!" and Art saying "Do your best papa and Aunt Neo!" I smiled. In a few moments we have four terrains. Once being a forest, destroyed buildings, water one, and an African terrain. 

Coco: No hard feelings after we win okay. She said as she pulls down her shades. 

Mike: You say that now before you lose. I shot back.

Yatsuhashi: (gets up from the ground) I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch. 

Neo: We won't either big guy.

Coco: Oh, nice one ice cream.

Port(intercom): 3.. 2.. 1... BEGIN!

Mike: Neo! now!

Neo jumps back and disappeared from the help of the African terrain. It's now me versus Coco and Yatsuhashi.

Coco: What's wrong don't won't one your ice cream to melt?

Mike: No.. I just want you two to do me a favor.

Yatsuhashi: What's the favor?

Mike: Don't hold back, fight with every last bit of your energy to fight, fight like your lives are on the line, and show me *Draws out the Yamato as I pointed at them* show me your motivation.

Coco: Oh! we will get ready then Wolf!

Mike: I guess I don't need to say, but I bet the crowd here knows what I'm going to say.

Crowd: It!


Oobleck+Port: Time!

RWBY+Art: To!

Mike: Let're Rip!! I get into Raiden Stance as the blade is across from my face. 

Coco then started this off with transform her bag into a min gun and started shooting to me, but my slots are(Vergil, Raiden, and Deadpool also NO we won't do the whole breaking the forth wall because Mike already has it) from that I was cutting bullets like a fucking Ninja. For a few seconds of me cutting bullets Yatsuhashi came forward with a swing until a bullet hole appeared in front of him. 

Coco: I see now! 

Mike: Yup! Neo got another upgrade!(mind) Neo has the ultimate Kingsman umbrella! Neo umbrella can transform into a Min gun, a hidden blade, a cannon, and now a fucking sniper! I infused it with the Halo sniper in 2/3! 

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