The first day of our old school with team RWBY

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Third POV

Right now everyone in the whole RWBY cast are behind me as Mike is typing away and hacking his way through the hospital accounts. 

Mike: Alright! right now I have the list of names for everyone here. So I'm going to call them out so everyone ready? 

Everyone: Ready!

Mike: Okay when I call them say something? also minus Ozpin for... many reasons, but lets just go with Cabal. So lets start with Ruby and Summer Vermillion also Yang and Tai Shenlong.

Summer: Summer Vermillion... sounds... actually a good last name. I like it!

Ruby: Vermillion? what does it mean?

Will: It means a deep and rich shade of red Ruby.

Ruby: Oh! nice!

Tai: Tai Shenlong that has a nice ring to it. 

Yang: Okay! what does Shenlong mean? Will?

Will: You really went out didn't you Mike. Well your last name is either two things "God Dragon or Spirit Dragon." So be glad that Mike gave you two badass names.

Ruby: SWEAR! She holds up a swear jar.

Will: Oh come on! this isn't even Remnant anymore!

Ruby: S.W.E.A.R 

Will gave up and puts in a dollar into the jar.

Will: That's our currency in our world. 

Ruby: Thank you!

Mike: Qrow and Raven Black.

Qrow: Nice.

Raven: Approve.

Mike: Ghira, Kail, and Blake your last names are Galina. Also this is a special because for Blake and Kail the last name refers to either "healer or calm."

Ghira: That's.... sounds right.. thank you.

Kail: The healer is me because I always heal my family.

Blake: I guess that the calm is me sounds reasonable.

Mike: Willow, Winter, Weiss, and Whitley Frost.

Willow: Thank you Mike.

Winter: Hmm a nice and cleaver last name for us. I approve of this last name.

Whiteley: I very much like it. 

Weiss: ...I feel like you're picking on me Mike?

Mike: By the way that late name goes to Lily Weiss.. so thank her.

Weiss then blushed as Lily scratches her head also having a goofy smile.

Mike: These last names goes to team JNPR first Jaune Willard, Ren Hitoshi, Nora Aurelia, and Pyrrha Astagiri.

Jaune: God.. i feel like this name has something in it?

Mike: Of course it does it has three elements like "Will, Hardy, brave, and Strong." See with that name you can make the ladies in this world coming!

Tai and Qrow smack Jaune back with a smile as Jaune scratches his head in embarassment. But Mike could feel a black aura around Pyrrha as she fails to contain that she wants to kill him for that comment. 

Ren: I like.

Nora: Adriana Nora!

Pyrrha: Thank you Mike. 

Mike: Coco Kiona, Velvet Sienna, Fox Fire, and Yatasuhasi Mamoru.

Coco: Oh~ I like that name Mikey.

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