Special chapter 5 being a family and Flashback!?

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Mike POV

Right now I have about three broken ribs, one black eye, a few scratches, and I can't feel my right cheek. For now I'm on my knees as team RWBY, JNPR, and CVFY are in the room. Lucky enough I explained to them how I got her. I know this was a lie, but that took it. I told them I was making my way down town in Vale looking for a good dust location to get some until I saw Art. Mostly I gave her a name, fed her, and told her I could be her number one gaming dad. After I explained everyone looked at me with.. smiles.

Yang: So.. you found a kid and made it your own?

Mike: Pretty much and I couldn't do that to her.

Yang: .... I never imagine to be a Aunt so soon!

Ruby: So I have a daughter!?

Mike: Yup! and I named her Artemis. The name means Huntresses of the Hunt.

Everyone in the room were surprise by what the name mean.

Blake: That name sound perfect for her.

Weiss: Jeez! you and your crazy adventures!

Ruby: I became a mom... I BECAME a mom... I BECAME A MOM!! She said in a yell of joy.

Coco: So are we aunts as well Mike? She said as she lowers her shades.

Mike: Of course! Neo and Amber can be the godmothers of her.

Neo/Amber: ALL YEAH!!

Coco: I get to choose her cloths!

Velvet: I hope she likes carrot soup!


Mike: I almost forgot about you guys! you guys are going to be her aunts.

Pyrrha: Splendid!

Nora: I'll show her the way of the pancake!! hahaha!!

Mike: Also! Jaune, Fox, Ren, and Yatsuhashi your guys are going to be her uncles!

Jaune: I'm fine with that.

Ren: Sure.

Fox: I wouldn't mind being apart of this family.

Yatsuhashi: I hope she has good tastes buds. 

Everyone started to talk about Artemis and thinking about how she looks. Mostly put I sneaked my way towards Ruby and asked her.

Mike: Hey Ruby.. want to meet your daughter?

She nodes with sparkles in her eyes. Once she does that I grab her hand I used "Sans"  powers to use shortcut. I teleported in front of my team room. Also my wounds were healed when I get to my team room because I made to my safe house.

Mike: Wait here okay I go inform her.

I went into the room as I see Lily dressing Art into some food cloths. Shes wearing grey shorts, a baby blue sweater, and blue socks. Once I looked at her she ran at me for a hug.

Art: Papa!

Mike: What's up my little pup. How did Aunt Lil treat you?

Art: She gave new cloths and look at my hair papa!(Her hair is long black hair) am I pretty papa?

Mike: Of course you are Art! but.. are you ready?

Art: Mama?

Mike: Yup and remember what big brother UW said. She's a different version of her a nicer one and would probably spoil you.

Art: I want to meet Mama!

Mike: Alright then she's waiting outside and remember.

Art: She's a different version. I got it papa.

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