To think! everything was resolved by talking? heh

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Mike POV

Right after the whole battle between Titans and saving everyone as with such more I was the only person that will carry our future ally. I could hear Levi sigh in relief that a monster like me was able to get Annie out of the neck of her Titan form. Thank god that Titan shifters only can shift a total of two times.

Anyways we were walking- I mean Levi is riding a horse as I'M walking with Annie on my shoulder.

Levi: Mike? how's the brat?

Mike: Let me check, *looks at left shoulder with Annie tied up* are you okay? do you need to pee?


Mike: *turns to Levi* Well, she has energy does that count?

Levi: Not even close to being, "it counts." *earning the Levi glare towards Annie* If I only knew you were the one that taken the lives of my men. I could've sliced you into ribbons- no, you don't deserve to die just yet thanks to this and Eren I know chopping your limbs won't do anything. You'll regenerate them so.. why don't I test out how much you can endure until you tell me your goals.

Damn, I can now see why Levi is one of those guys that deserve the spot on being one of Legendary badass characters in history. He doesn't give one fuck if your shifter, titan, or person he will run anybody fad and fuck up anyone if you push his buttons. Anyways, I should step in before the conversation- IS ANNIE BITTING MY NECK!?

Okay, I should be fine I mean it's a girl that's trying to bite my neck down to rip my skin off it's fine it's not like this is a sexually assault. No, it's fine.................. no it isn't.

Mike: Captain, do you have something to wipe off?

Levi: What? are you planning on using my cravat? also why is your face red?

I have the right to blush at this moment as I know Annie is trying to rip my own neck to fucking kill me. But, do to my tougher skin I'm fine.... not really because can you blame me!? I have a girl whose biting my neck even though my skin is tough so she won't hurt. Still! it doesn't change the fact it's makes me a. "ANIME BOY" like myself blush at this thought you fucks. Tell me, what do you do in my situation? tell me!

Mike: I mean not really *looks at Annie still biting my left neck* she's been biting me over the passed fifteen or ten minutes. It's either hungry or she's trying to escape.

Levi: Drop her all you like let her be free. I'll just slice off all of her limbs until they regrow them right back. I'll torture her day in and out till the last thing I'll ever do until those she killed are in peace. I swear

I turned to her Annie who is still biting my left shoulder aka neck.

Mike: You know Annie, you could stop I mean- this is kinda of-

Annie: GO TO HELL BITCH! just watch me get free! once I'm freed I'll kill you two! no holding back this time.

Levi: Oh? "holding back?" you were "holding back" this whole time then I must be getting old then. Because I think the only one that WAS "holding back" was Mike and I. You were the one that was retreating if either Mike or I would to fight you would've been in the same situation. But, with one difference... one would be less bloody then the other.

Christ! Levi is not holding back. This is why every girl is after this man! DAMN!

Annie: *glares at Levi* You have a lot of faith in your words, Captain Levi..

Levi: If your done talking brat we'll be reaching to the rendezvous point in few minutes from now. After that we will take the brat along with tying her up up making sure she'll not shift. But, in the end.. we will be heading home.

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