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Mike POV

finally... we're here.. in Volume 3.. holy shit.. lets make a recap. First we were called by Teto to help him to catch or defeat a rouge god. In the world of RWBY also Lily and I became freaking faunus that we're the only spices of. Lily is a Oni and I'm what I think I am a Alpha Beowolf now. Anyways we did some things like we saved Summer, stop Raven becoming another Edge Lord for Power, Saved Amber also gave her powers plus cloths, saved Neo, Didn't let ANY Cinders goons into the city, and stop a dragon plus train that were headed towards Vale. We did a lot of things like we formed a team! team GAMER Lily and I have girlfriends Lily has Weiss and I have Ruby, but lucky enough I just got a kid. A kid from an alternate universe that's now in Ruby and I care. Mostly in the first Volume we stop Blake from being a coward also I stop kinds the Docks event, but I didn't expect to meet Will, Sand, and Issei. To the next Volume 2 we finally got Jaune and Pyrrha to be together and made the White Fang disband! from time later, but that's what I think tho. How we did it we just sang. We did SO much and did so much, but.. I had to kill Issei.. he took some drug to become so monster, but in the end I killed him. Mostly put the rouge god was in my world! and took Will, Sandy, and Issei with him or her to stop us from a bet. I know right, but that's how Teto world works its a game. Now today is the final Volume... I mean not like final final I mean after we beat this Volume we have changed the future. Vale in not destroyed nor is Beacon is going either. But.. I know when the time is right I have to tell them about everything.. enough of these lies we have to hid. Until then.. we have Sandy and Will to deal with. Oh! I also can get a read on Salem! I know I haven't mention this, but when I became this faunus I can look over to Salem plans. Let me tell you she was pissed now she couldn't attack Vale so she called it off so we won't be seeing Cinder or Salem goons anytime soon. So.. the only real problem is Will and Sandy.. we now know Sandy's semblance and her powers, but Will. Will has nanomachines in him so any physical attacks goes to him his body will harden to block it, but that still leaves his semblance. Still don't know, but I know he's planning something, but something is telling me that.. he's going to pull an awesome Jojo comeback. Right now Lily and I are getting ready for the Festival tournament Lily has two Axs that are fire and ice also she's can become a Oni.. a Oni that is Half Fire Oni and Half Ice Oni cool huh. For me I have about five forms! I know.. so the first form is you know my normal form nothing much, my second form you can say I turn into Sam(Metal Gear) also use H7 Yoto, but I changed its name to Akuma. My third form that now have full control of and size wise as well I call it Inner Beast, for the forth one I kinda showed it when our news friends came its know as Ripper Mode so forth is that, and lastly fifth.. no I'm going to hold that one off. Ruby and Yang went ahead and stayed at Patch you know tell their awesome adventures as my team stayed here and plan our attacks for this tournament. Also I told Ruby to keep Art a secret until later. We been through a lot, but I think its time to go and see my girlfriends match.

Once I stop typing on my Diary/book about our adventures also sketches of our enemies we faced off I closed it. I got my things and put on my Vergil clothes in DMC 5 also I got Akuma and Yamto with me.

Mike(mind): Lets see.. what this tournament holds for us.

Once I thought of that I walked out the door.

(Time Skip to three children running around playing together as best friends)


Right now we're watching the show with team RWBY vs ABRN on the Amity Colosseum. My team and Art are sitting one of the best seats in my opinion. How the rules works is team vs team, two vs two, and finally a one v one. Mostly we already choose who is going to be our two people that are going to fight Neo and I because Neo has a trick that would win us the match. Anyways Art is eating a very large anime size popcorn bowl as we all shared with it.

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