The Beacon dance part 2

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Jaune and Pyrrha reached their dorm rooms, which were next to each other, hand in hand. They were both reluctant to end the night, for it felt as if time had passed too soon, but they knew that the following day was going to be a busy one.

Pyrrha: Thank you for such a lovely night, Jaune

Pyrrha said standing before her door, still smiling warmly.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry for all the trouble you had to go through.

Jaune: Hey, there's no need to apologize. If putting on a dress got you to forgive me and not turn me down, I'd say it was worth it.

Pyrrha blushed at his honesty.

Pyrrha: Well, while it did work in your favour, I personally prefer you in a suit.

Jaune: I'll keep that in mind for next time.

He looked down for a moment, his smiling fading slightly.

Jaune: Though, this does feel so surreal. I saw how everyone was looking at us at the Dance, like I had no right to be with you. I guess that's about right, as I also did exactly what you hate, place you on a pedestal and not even consider asking you to be my date. I know admitting this isn't going to come across great, but I can't help but feel undeserving. Not noticing your feelings until you got fed up and told me directly, brushing off your said I saw you for you, but I didn't when you needed me to most...

Pyrrha's smile faded, but only slightly. She understood what Jaune was trying to say, and what he was feeling. He may have kept his word, believing it was the right thing to do after being wrong, but the guilt hadn't left him so easily. He felt as if she had forgiven him too quickly, that what he had done was so insulting to her, that more needed to be done to make things right. Unbeknownst to her captain, his continued honesty only deepened her love for him.

Pyrrha: Jaune...

She said calmly, yet assertively, and placed her right hand on his cheek, causing him to look back up at her.

Pyrrha: If I thought you not realizing that I had feelings for you, was so grievous that it couldn't be forgiven, why would I have said yes to a second date?

Jaune remained silent, but breathed out of his nose sharply, indicating he realized he was over thinking things again.

Pyrrha: I think you are more than deserving. I think you are exactly what I've been looking for.

Without hesitation, she leaned forward and kissed him on his right cheek, causing both of them to flush, and his eyes to widen. Pyrrha's own cheeks had turned red, and her smile had returned to its full radiance, clearly pleased with the blond's reaction.

Pyrrha Good night, Jaune.

Jaune: Night...

He replied, now possessing a warm smile of his own.

Pyrrha opened the door of her room and entered, but kept her gaze with the young man as she closed it, just to keep the moment going for just a few seconds longer. Even with the door closed, Jaune remained outside, staring at the door as if he could still see the beautiful young woman who had just taken his breath away. He then looked up to the ceiling and sighed, before chuckling and shaking his head in disbelief.

Jaune: I am so over my head...

He said to himself, rubbing the back of his neck once again, before returning to look at Pyrrha's room one last moment. Keeping a smile on his face, he finally grasped the knob of the door to his own room and entered, determined not to mess things up.

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