Cutting off loose ends

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Beneath the academy lay Cinder Fall, though she had no idea that was where she was located. Her eyes slowly opened, feeling not only how heavy her eyelids were, but her entire body. She felt numb and hollow, and as if she were made of lead. She nevertheless forced her eyes to open fully, and it took several slow blinks for them to focus.

The lights above momentarily blinded her, before fading to reveal indistinguishable blobs, which took several more moments to draw themselves together to show their true identity. Those blobs were the members of the Order of the Maiden's Ring: Huntmasters Ozpin and Ironwood, Deputy-Huntmistress Goodwitch, Qrow, Shadow, Major Schnee, and Penny. They stood watching her carefully, examining her, and not breaking their gaze.

Ozpin: Good morning, Miss Fall. Or rather, good evening.

Cinder: Where am I?

She hissed weakly, her eyes slowly scanning the room.

Ozpin: Below my academy, but that information will not serve you in any way. In fact, there is very little you should concern yourself with.

Cinder: what happened?

Cinder was desperately trying to comprehend what had occurred after she was confronted by the Order and the Huntress.

Ironwood: You failed; titanically. Your men were captured, your allies forced to retreat, your hordes of Grimm eviscerated by the might of the Valian and Atlassian armies, and the capital, as well as the CCT, stand tall. I'm sorry to inform you, but your mission was a failure. All because you couldn't kill a single Grimm.

Rage began to build within her from hearing the news, glaring at Shadow, she tried to focus her Aura, but could not. Cinder looked down at herself to see she was lying on some type of modified operating table and was tied down with metal restraints on her limbs and head. However, there were more than mere physical restraints keeping her from escaping.

Cinder could see green glowing runes running around the edge of the table, which also crossed over the metal restraints. She could tell that this was some form of magic, but was it responsible for what was affecting her body?

Cinder: What have you done to me?

Ozpin: Restrained you, obviously. However, if you are referring to the alien sensations you are experiencing, along with the inability to use your powers, then that is partially attributed to the dosage of poison provided by my colleague. The rest is my doing. You cannot escape from here, and I recommend not trying.

Cinder glared at the Order with hatred; a look that exemplified the phrase "if looks could kill".

Cinder: So you expect me to talk?

Ozpin: No, but it would be appreciated.

The false-Maiden replied with a slow hoarse laugh, her eyes and smile filled with malice.

Cinder: I won't tell you a fucking thing. I'm just going to lie here and wait for Her to free me so that I can finish what I started.

Shadow: She's not going to save you. Why would she waste her time with a failure like you?

Cinder: What would you know of Lady–

Qrow: A lot more than you do, bitch. We've been at this for far longer than you have, and we know just how cruel and vile the enemy is. Just like you gathered broken individuals to take advantage of them for your own means, She did the same with you. You are just a tool to use and throw away when it either breaks or is no longer useful.

We know this whole plan to kill Amber and take down the CCT, along with Albion to throw the whole Kingdom into chaos, was Hers. It was up to you to assemble allies and to execute it. You gathered those kids off the street, you recruited Torchwick and Taurus, and everything fell apart. The blame falls on you. So tell me, you think She'll waste her time for you? Do you think She cares about you? If you really think that, then you have no idea what you're part of.

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