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Hehe, I pulled a little sneaky on you didn't I? Nobody expected Shadow to do that, huh?

So, for those who are wondering how Shadow can use the maiden powers, let me explain.

It's through a series of elaborate loop holes.

First thing though, Shadow/Jack actually did want to save Pyrrha, and the Vytal festival. That was his first priority. The second one was killing Cinder, and he knew she would put herself in enemy territory, ripe for an attack.

He wanted the maiden power, which Cinder also wanted. But he knew his weakness to fire, and so did she, so he couldn't confront her directly. So he healed Amber, so she didn't die before Cinder's power transferred back to her.

It's much easier to steal the power from a comatose Fall maiden than one that would fight back.

Also, let me make another thing clear, I use steal very loosely. Amber still has the maiden powers, Shadow copied it, like what he did with aura. He needed the Grimm glove, since he wouldn't be able to access the power, another reason why Cinder had to go.

The loophole is Shadow's gender. Even though people refer him as a "he" because of his body shape, Shadow technically doesn't have a gender. Body organs determine what gender you are, and Shadow has none. So he is the perfect specimen to use the maiden power.

Shadow wants to kill Salem, and he's figured out how to do it.

And you either stand with him, or your in his way.

Sorry for the short chapter, but this will be important in the future.

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