The Final match

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???: So...

???: You are my brother's champion...

Shadow turned, his location changing to a white void.

Shadow: Ah... shit.

Shadow said quietly, looking at the being infront of him.

The god of light floated before him, being a stark contrast to his brother. Shadow showed no emotion, keeping his hands behind his back.

Shadow: That I am.

God of Light: Hm. I can sense my brother's work, but it seems... fractured.

Shadow crossed his arms, raising his chin upwards slightly.

Shadow: I wonder why that is.

God of light: This seemed to be caused by magic. But the only two left that could do that... oh.

Shadow: Yes. Salem killed the soul that your brother put in this body. Salem was your doing, hence this is your fault.

The two began staring at each other, neither falling to their each other's intimidation. But Shadow broke, beginning to smirk and breaking into a laugh.

Shadow: Ha! I just realized how much of a hypocrite you are!

God of light: What?

Shadow: Salem was only immortal until she learned the meaning of life. I used the relic of knowledge to answer that question, so I know the answer as well.

Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stop his laughter.

Shadow: Ha! Hehe. You are a hypocrite.

God of light: What...?

Shadow: You do not know the answer either.

God of light: That is false. Of course I know. I do not believe you do.

Shadow: Oh, I know.

Shadow Are you sure you want to know? Or would you rather continue your 'beautiful experiment' with piece of mind?

The god remained silent.

Shadow: Heh, do you know how these new people were born?

Shadow: These people's ancestors were born from the dust you left behind when your brother decided to destroy humanity and abandon us to a cruel unforgiving world ruled by your brother's creations, and a mistake of your own arrogance.

God of light: Arrogance?

Shadow: What is the matter Goldie? Did you think you were perfect?

God of light: Stop.

Shadow: The blood of a thousand generations born into darkness, forced to claw out the tiniest corners of the world just to survive rests on your hands, all because you do not understand your own creations.

God of light: I SAID STOP!

Shadow barely saw the golden hand raise, before a blast of light was throwing him back.

Shadow: Damn... and I thought Salem had a temper.

God of light: You are wrong.

Shadow: Am I? With every beacon of light there is a shadow of darkness... You are not excluded.

Shadow stood back up, the wound already fully healed.

Shadow: How about I use my power to show you what would have happened? I stopped a cataclysmic event  by firing a single bullet.

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