The Umbarans

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Loki: Did you hear?

Anthony: Hear what? That survivors of crashed ships from the outside are transferring here today?

Loki: No, that Grimm levels are down- Yes the survivors!

Loki and Anthony, Tony to his friends even though he hated it, were partners at Twilight academy. Loki fought with duel daggers, and used his Illusion semblance to fool the Grimm they fight. Anthony was the son of George Hirodin, the Hollow Knight. His weapon was a custom Sentinel armor that he was constantly tinkering with.

Anthony's semblance was called Piece of Mind, allowing him to lower his stress level allowing him to think clearly in stressful conditions. Pease of mind can also take care of the brain-related portions of sleep, even when he is awake, allowing him to go far longer without being exhausted.

Loki's semblance was called Mislead, he can create several illusions of himself for battle. Using the semi-real Illusions to distract the Grimm as he went for the kill.

Bianca set her plate on the table, surprising Anthony, who was tinkering with his helmet.

Bianca: You seriously brought your armor to lunch?

Anthony: I wanted to finish up...

Bianca: Uh huh, and when was the last time you slept?

Anthony opened his mouth to counter, but closed it when he realized he didn't have one.

Bianca was the daughter of Hades, one of the supreme generals. And took after her father with a earth manipulation semblance called sinkhole.

Emma sat down, saying good morning to her teammates.

Bianca: We let you sleep in after the duel yesterday.

Emma: Thanks, I was tired.

Emma has a Confusion semblance, making her enemies confused on who was allies, or who was their enemies. It depends on how strong her enemy's mind is though. Her weapons was called Nightingale's illusion, a short sword that mechashifted into a submachine gun.

Loki: I'm surprised you didn't wake up to Tony's tinkering.

Emma: Seriously? How much coffee?

Anthony: Anthony. And I'm sorry, but who's been winning all the Combat duels and getting our team ahead in Combat class?

His teammates couldn't argue with that logic. Anthony and his armor was one of their best fighter of their year, his armor included the ability of energy blasts, several hidden rockets, the ability to access any technology, he didn't use that one often. Flight capabilities, energy efficiency, and being armor in general, his aura was rarely hit.

His Father, George, had part of his pay be in Void dust, and it was far more than he needed.

One of Anthony's secrets project was a thought-to-voice translator. Since his father was a survivor of the reaper plague that took his mother, he had lost his arm and the ability to speak. George had refused to get a mechanical arm to replace it, due to honor and already learning how to use his Claymore one handed.

George's semblance was telepathy, so he could "speak" in a sense to those he cared about the most. That only seemed to be Anthony, but he knew that being mute around others was frustrating, and wanted to make this as a birthday present.

Team BESH (Butterscotch) sat as their friend team made their way over.

Ava sat down with the rest of her team, Grace Bridger, James Rather, and David Gandar.

The two teams had met during initiation, and had several classes together. So of course they would become friends.

Ava's semblance was, I heard a rumor. She says those exact words, and anybody that hears it is under her control, including Grimm. She and Emma got along greatly.

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