Character bio

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Yeah, I should have done this awhile ago.

Shadow; The mimic Grimm, is an extremely capable fighter and strategist, able to come up with extremely complex and detailed plans in seconds. Which he can then hide his true intentions until the last moment.


Enhanced senses: Shadow can see very clearly in the dark, and his sight, smell, and hearing can rival those of a Faunus.

Enhanced mind: Shadow is gifted with a enhanced mind, that can process information much faster than any other Grimm, Human, or Faunus, rivaling those of an android. His mind allows him to find fighting styles and semblances incredibly quickly, making it easier for him to replicate. Shadow was able to discover Blake's semblance and figure out her inner personality incredibly quickly.

Skin shifting: When Shadow was first created, he was a thin outline of a man. (Think cover art) He then changed his skin to resemble light armor and a muscular body. His skin does not change his strength.

Emotion sensing: Like every Grimm, Shadow can sense the emotions of those around him. The negative ones being the most potent and luring.

Grimm heritage: Mimics are related to Geist's, Beowolfs, and Nuckelavee Grimm. Since they are the most human-like. When Shadow took a swim in a Grimm pool, he unlocked some of his relatives abilities.

Beowolf Claws: One of his heritage abilities is claws similar to a Beowolfs. But instead of them being permanently outside his fingers, they are retractable, perfectly sliding back into his fingers when he doesn't need them.

Nuckelavee Arms: Another heritage ability is Shadow can stretch certain limbs. Along with his arms, he can stretch his neck and tongue to lengths that exceed twice his size.

Geist Possession: The last heritage ability is that Shadow can "posses" inanimate objects, similar to a Geist. Unfortunately, Shadow has very little control of the objects he posses, being able to barely move a Boulder. But items such as mechashift weapons are easier to move in since they are designed to move. When Shadow posses technology, it is known to have trouble operating and often will crash. An advantage of this skill is that it is almost impossible to tell if Shadow is in an object, and he used this to his advantage when spying on Cinder and her lackeys.

Mimicry: Shadow's natural Grimm ability. Salem engraved a mirror rune on Shadow's chest when he was created, allowing him to perfectly replicate any and all fighting styles for any and all weapons. And, though Shadow has to see it in action, he can mimic semblances for a short period of time. The longer someone fights Shadow, the less of an advantage they have.

Regeneration: Whenever Shadow's body has taken to much of a beating, or is unable to go on, he turns into a mini Grimm pool that creates a new Shadow. The only way this ability can be canceled, is if Shadow's entire body is burned/disintegrated.


Plagiarism: When his Aura was unlocked, Shadow discovered his Semblance almost instantly. His semblance allows Shadow to create perfect copy's of non-living objects, including aura. His original semblance seemed to be the only thing that could tire the Grimm, but after much practice, it rarely happens now.

High Voltage: After copying Nora's aura, Shadow now permanently has access to her semblance. Able to generate small electrical bursts to increase his strength for a short time, or if electrocuted, can incredibly increase his strength.

Energy harness: Violet's semblance allows her to create and control energy. Shadow can do the same thing, making him incredibly strong against laser weaponry, since he can literally control the bullets that fly out.

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