Lemme Tell You Something

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This might offend some people but I need to rant.

1. Kids

When I write content that contains children\pregnancy and the comments are all like:

"Ew I hate kids."

"This is why I don't want to have kids."


Shut up. I don't care. Just skip the fucking chapter.

I'm not hating on the fact that you guys don't want or like kids. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion. But seeing those sentences above be the majority of the comments are just so annoying.

2. Baka

I fucking hate the word baka.

People who have no respect for my language have ruined it for me.

I've used the word multiple times throughout my writing and I get so annoyed when I see people comment shit like this:

"My sussy bAkA!"

"Well this is embarrassing.."

"SAy yOu're mY baKA!"

Not many people know that I'm Japanese unless I tell them or I've said it before in a chapter so I understand if they think I'm being cringy.

But I'll say it now:

I am half Japanese, half Korean, living in Tokyo, Japan.

I find it so annoying when people comment shit like this. Like the word 'baka' literally translates to 'fool', 'stupid', or 'idiot'.

These are words used to literally insult someone.

The word 'baka' has become such a mainstream word among anime watchers, manga readers, and many more and the use of the word is getting out of hand.

The reason why I use the word 'baka' is because I thought, some of my readers would be mature enough to understand that the word I used is literally a derogatory term to insult someone.

I know the word has been used in humorous audios especially on Tiktok. And from time to time, I do laugh at some comments who say: "my sussy baka".

BUT! If that's literally what all the comments are about and people make a fucking chain of just saying: "mY suSSy bAkA!!" just don't fucking comment anymore. It's really annoying.

Like, if one character literally says the word 'baka' many people resort to commenting stupid shit like: "omg this is embarrassing.."

Please shut the fuck up.

No it's not. The fact that you find this embarrassing just proves how the word 'baka' has been brought up to you.

3. Japanese Honorifics\Japanese Suffixes

I don't like it when people try to correct me on this.

Like, I live in Japan, I know how to use these honorifics.

"But my Japanese friend told me-"

"But my Japanese class said-"

No. Shut up. I don't care what they said.

MY knowledge and MY personal experiences are what I put into my writing.

I'm not saying you're not entitled to have your own opinion. You have every right to voice out how you feel.

BUT! If you try to correct me, don't.

I think I've explained the Japanese suffixes before but I'll explain it again.

And to the people who have the audacity to correct me, read this too please.

Chan- it is kinda like the childish version of San. It mostly applies to children and young females who are usually younger than the person calling them Chan. To change the 'S' from San to 'Ch' which makes Chan is considered cute in Japan. However, this honorific doesn't specifically have to be exclusive to only kids and young girls, you can also use it towards a friend who is the same age as you or to your certain lover. This friend or lover of yours doesn't have to be a girl. Remember: it's not exclusive to just girls and kids. That's only what is shown or popularized on TV.

San- this is probably the most popular honorific in Japan. Its significance is similar to that of using Mr. Mrs. or Ms. Saying, for example, Ms. Jangmi is the same as saying Jangmi-san. This honorific is obviously used for both males and females.

Kun- this is where most of you guys get confused. Kun is an honorific used for juniors to call their seniors.

Although Kun is designed to be used only to and for guys, it can also be used to address a woman. However, you must be of high status (if you're a woman) to be called Kun.

^^ I want to emphasize this as much as I can.

Kun for females is like higher than San and Chan honorifics combined. A woman must have done something really important for a man (or anyone for that matter) to address her as Kun. This is why in some of the Demon Slayer chapters, I refer to the reader as Kun.

Sama- this suffix is more respectable than San. Only people with the highest status within the Japanese social hierarchy can be called Sama. Sama is probably the closest thing to saying king or queen in modern day Japan. It is not that common to use Sama anymore unless you are talking to someone really important like the President of Japan, a rich Japanese CEO, or even the oldest person in your family (like your great grandfather or grandmother, something like that).

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

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