Chapter One

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Draco sat alone at the table in the community area of the mental institution he had been forced into by not only his parents, but the state they moved to. He really couldn't believe his parents actually cared that much about him after everything that happened during the war to really go to these extremes to try and save him form himself. He had just opened his book when he seen that new muggle cane of his father's his mother had brought him so they blended in better. The last they stood out, the less people questioned them. Keeping quiet was their best options as they learned a whole new life. "I told mother I didn't want to talk. You got them changing those stupid pills, again." Draco somewhat hissed out. "They recommended it, and I have very little understanding." Lucius spoke, ignoring the tone his now Twenty year old son gave to him. "I really don't care what either one of you two have to say. It's the same shit, every day." Draco said, finding his place in the book. "You mother has gone through a hell of a lot to keep you here." Lucius said. "I didn't ask her too! Leave. Me. Alone." Draco said, before one of the psychiatrists walked over. "Maybe wait a couple days before coming by. The medicines take time to start aiding, and he has a bit of a rough time with the transition of medication." He spoke and Lucius let out a sigh. "Very well." Lucius said, before he got to his feet.

"I really do not want to find him." Lucius said, that evening back at the apartment Narcissa had found in the town they had moved to. "I don't really remember asking, Lucius. Part of his problem is-" She started, to here that sigh he always gave with he was annoyed but knew she was right. "No I wouldn't...and won't approve of it, but do you really think some mental, never once admitted crush on the Potter boy, would really help?" Lucius asked, as she sat down at the table, the cup of pepperment tea in her hands. "I think it's worth a shot, Lucius. Even if you disprove of it...You don't have to stay." She whispered. She had somewhat pushed herself away form her husband, knowing any day he could just up and leave...go back to the Manor and build a new life away form her and their son. "I told you, I wasn't going to do that..." He said, turning on the lamp they kept on the table to show her notebook. "How do we go about finding him?" Lucius asked. "He has an Aunt and Uncle...I am hoping one of them knows as I can't track his wand. Either...he has blocked us, which I don't see because I thought he would have through we would be looking for him...Or he hasn't used magic since the war..." Narcissa said. "Do you even want to go back there?" He asked. "We would be going to muggle Loudon, not anywhere close to the Manor." Narcissa said, and after a moment, he nodded. "When?" He asked. "We would have to leave late, because it would be early morning there. I don't want to miss them, so I'm aiming for seven." Narcissa said, taking a drink of the tea. "What kind are you trying this time?" Lucius asked, unsure why his wife liked that muggle tea so much. Most of it spelt worst then potions, at least to him. "Peppermint! You really should try it." She somewhat smiled. "Oh, alright. But not my own. I doubt I'll like it." He said, seeing somewhat of a giddy smile form her.

The sun was just coming up as they slowly walked down a sidewalk. She yawned, as her very long blonde hair blew with the cold autumn wind, blocking the notes on her notebook a lot of the times before her shoulder was grabbed to stop walking. "Don't you have one of those bows to put in your hair? Like you always do with mine when we go out." Lucius said. "What I do with yours is different! You insisted on working at that muggle business and they do have a standard." Narcissa said, getting a look from Lucius that told her she needed to put her hair up. "Alright. Alright." Narcissa fussed, and they walked into a gym. The half awake male at the booth looked at them a little funny. "How can I help you?" He said, a bit concerned. "I just need to borrow a mirror for a moment." Narcissa yawn out and he pointed to the small mirror on the wall. "Thanks." She said, before she walked over to the mirror and she spent ten minutes putting her hair up in a high pony tail.
The walk took longer then it would have if she had came alone. There was a reason, at least now, that Lucius needed that cane. He never talked about it and she never asked, but something happened between the time the war ended and Draco's decline to her husband that worried her...but he agreed to see the muggle healer, and was doing what the muggle healer asked, so Narcissa agreed to let it go. Lucius wasn't in danger of dying like her son was, so that was more important.
When they did get to the house, she hesitated. She had not thought about what she would really say to them...or about how much they really knew about Harry's life before and after the war. Lucius lend down and picked up the paper on the porch, before she gave it a light knock. "You're worried." Lucius said. "I...guess I haven't fully thought this completely out." She admitted. "Just ask about the boy? They have to know something." Lucius said, before the door opened. "Haven't you the foggiest idea of what time it is?" Barked Vernon.

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