chapter seventeen

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It was almost three when Harry slowly crawled into bed that night. It woke Draco, who looked at him, very sleepily. " just getting to bed?" Harry eased on his back and give a small yawn. "I didn't get back until one. Luke and I...were talking. Then your mom just kind of sat with me until I felt ready for bed." Draco gave Harry a light kiss on his cheek. "Feeling better?" Harry smiled lightly. "A bit...I think he can help...I'm not sure what makes him different though." Draco just rolled over, landing his head on Harry's check. "Doesn't matter. If he helps, I am very much okay with that."

Narcissa was brought to the front door about nine that same morning. She had slept in and was confused on who was there. She hadn't changed out of some sleep wear. Some baggy, long, long-sleeve cotton shirt she found comfortable. She opened the door and gave Luke a smile, who held a little baby boy up on his hip. "I was hoping you could do me a favor." Narcissa smiled, holding her arms out. Luke handed her the baby and dropped the diaper bag by her leg and nocited the deep scar by her knee. The rest hidden by her long shirt. "Sorry, I wasn't expecting anybody or I would have dressed more." Luke just gave her a smile. "No, I'm glad your comfortable! I just...didn't expect to see a scar was all. However...I suppose if your husband's health can't be fix, I shouldn't be surprised you have a scar." Narcissa gave somewhat of a sad smile. "The war effect us all differently. The boys, mentally, got it worst. My husband and I got...well, it's hard to explain. My memories are a bit foggy. I assume that is Lucius's doing. My sister most likely caused mine, I guess that's why he blocked them." Luke frown, but give his baby boy a pat on his head. "Are you sure my brother is safe?" Narcissa nodded. "Harry asked me to keep an eye on him. I have. He is very happy there." Luke nodded. "You be a good boy, now."

"Now when did Luke get here?" Lucius asked, easing down at the table. His wife a little disappointed he wasn't using that chair of his. He was feeling great for once, and didn't feel weak and wouldn't use it...not today. "He just dropped little man off. I'm sure it was Harry's idea." Narcissa give the baby a pat who sat in a new highchair Harry picked up. He was drinking a apple juice bottle and was now looking at Lucius all wide eyed. "Now just what are you looking at, blue eyes?" The baby giggled and Lucius got a kiss on his cheek. "He just likes you too! Here." Lucius shook his head lightly, but Narcissa was already picking him up out of the highchair. "I really don't-" He stoped. The baby was in his lap and he got looked up at by a very goofy face who grabbed the watch on his wrist that Lucius called a small muggle clock on your arm. Narcissa looked very giddy, so He didn't say anything. He just held the baby as Narcissa got some apple sauce ready.

Harry came down a few minutes later, standing at the counter taking that cocktail of medicines. Today? Was another bad day. He didn't know why. Last night had been really good, but this morning? He felt like shit and all he wanted was a drink. A drink he couldn't have because Narcissa wouldn't let him and that was kind of pissing him off this morning. When the cup hit the sink kind of hard, Narcissa turned towards Harry. Harry just put a hand up, stopping any words. He would scream or cuss if he had to reply. With hands in his pockets he walked to the living room and dropped on the couch.
Lucius shook his head when Narcissa started to walk towards Harry. "Give that muggle medicine time to at least aid, before trying to talk to him. He knew not to go far." She let out a sigh. She didn't at all like that idea, but she turned back towards Lucius and the baby. She give the baby a pat on his head. "I can't help but worry about him, You know that." Her voice was soft. "I do, yes. Now isn't the time for conversation, however."

It was nearly two hours later, when Harry walked into the dinning room, easing down to sit at the table. The baby back in the high chair and lunch starting to be picked at. "What happened this morning?" Harry looked at Narcissa and shrugged his shoulders. "Just...wasn't a good morning." Harry still wasn't sure why, did he have a dream he didn't remember? "Where'd you pick up the highchair?" Harry took a bite of a pickle. "This superstore called Walmart. Seems to be an American thing, but Luke recommended we by the baby thing there." Narcissa nodded. "Just how on earth do you get that thing he is suppose to sleep in sit up?" Harry let out a chuckle. "It's a pack-n-play and I will set it up before this evening. Chances are, he won't use the thing. He's a co-sleeper." Narcissa raised an eyebrow. "Are they not picking him up today?" Harry shook his head. "Nah. They are kind of arguing over what to do about the oldest and her sperm donor." Harry frowned. "Why don't they just-" Harry shrugged his shoulders. "Luke said it wasn't up to him. She doesn't want the kid to know...and it isn't our place to butt in. Until the child is hit, nothing can he done." Narcissa frown. "What good is the muggle law if it's shit?" Harry chuckled. Narcissa hardly cussed, and then seen the little hand go over her mouth. Her new daughter didn't like that word either.

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