chapter 28

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"Who is this?" Narcissa asked when they walked through the door. Luke put down his box and put his hands on North's shoulders. "This is my wife's kid sister, North. Who is staying with us. I'm hoping you can help with that, because his father and I are going to have a problem." Luke said. "I don't want you fighting my father, Luke. Can't I just stay here?" North fussed and Luke let out a sigh. "Your father comes here, it's fair game, North. However, this boy, does know anything?" Luke asked. "He knows about the magic, but...I couldn't

Bring that other thing up. It isn't like he can really help...stuff is going on with him too." North said. "North, you aren't going to do this alone. So, you are to tell this boy. Understood?" Luke said, and after a pause, North nodded. "Hungry?" Narcissa asked. "Very much, thank you." North said. After Narcissa sat a plate of lunch before North, Luke pulled him to the side. "I need you to keep an eye on him, please. Because his parents wouldn't let him do anything magic wise, he didn't know he could get pregnant." Luke said and Narcissa

Frowned. "He's a little young, isn't he?" She asked and he nodded. "He is fourteen, with a sixteen year old boyfriend. I'm assuming who talked him into having sex. I can't really think of him being the one to engage it at fourteen." Luke said and Narcissa shrugged her shoulders. "I'm pretty sure Draco and Harry got together at around that age. So I wouldn't be surprised. I will give him a check up, and the boyfriend is welcomed over. I rather them be here then him out on the town." Narcissa pointed out and Luke modded. "Agreed. Thank you,

Very much. Can I get you to do me a favor?" Luke asked. "What would that be?" She asked. "Take the girls to see my old neighbor. I don't really want to go back to that house..." He whispered. "It won't be for a few days, but I don't mind." She replied and he nodded. "Thank you." He said, before he went up the stairs.
Narcissa eased North's head to the side. "Who he you?" She frowned. "My father, but I gave him reasons too.." North whispered. "He had no reason to hit you. I don't care what you've done.

That is no reason for him to lay his hand on you. That might bruise." She pointed out and he just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't really care..." North mumbled and she eased down to join him at the table. "North. It doesn't matter who you are. It doesn't give you father the right to hurt you." Narcissa said and he shrugged shoulders. "It doesn't matter to me. I'm there accident kid, they never wanted me. They never acted like they cared really about me and once they wouldn't let me go to Hogwarts? I really disliked them. It was

A perfect opportunity for them to just get rid of me for a lot of the year, but no. Anything that could have beneficial to me, they hate. So I don't care." North said and Narcissa found. "It shouldn't be like that. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Things are going to change, however." Narcissa said and he shrugged his shoulders. "I'm only staying long enough, so I know Luke doesn't go after him. Then I'm running, again. I'm not going to add to his problems and I don't need anybody caring when I haven't had anybody before.

I'll be fine." North said, taking a bit of his sandwich. Narcissa shook her head. "I'll find you and bring you back. Your fourteen." She said and North just huff. "So what? Not like my age matters. I've been having to take care of myself for some time now. I just need to know what I'm suppose to do, with this whole baby thing, then I'll be on my way. I won't trouble somebody else, when it was my fault." He said. "You aren't going anywhere, North." Luke said, holding Tommy up on his hip. "You can't make me stay.

I'm not even sure they'd let me stay with you, because technically, you have three kids already and I ain't nothing but a fuck up anyway." North said. "No, your parents didn't treat you right. Now, knock it off. You aren't going anywhere. You sister wouldn't just threw you out in the world and I'll be damned if I going to. So deal with it." Luke said. "Luke, what's wrong?" Narcissa asked, before she got to her feet and took the toddler. "Some things just really piss me off." Luke said. "Try and get some rest?" Narcissa somewhat asked and

Luke shook his head. "You're asking for the impossible, Narcissa. You, invite the boy over." Luke said. "I can't. Not right now anyway." He whispered. "And why the hell not?" Luke asked. "Butt out!" He fussed. "NORTH!" Luke screamed and after a huff. "His in juvenile, okay? He got caught too many times driving without his driving thing and they sent him to juvenile for like two bloody months because he parents won't even bother to pay to the stupid fee of whatever." North said and after another huff. "Let's go, now." Luke said and North slowly followed.
"That makes

The kid your responsibility." Said an office as Luke was signing some paperwork. "I'm aware. When's the court date he is suppose to attend?" Luke asked. "Somebody will contact you in a few days. Just keep the kid out of trouble." He said and Luke nodded, dropping to sit in the chair. "You two are staying put. I don't give a damn about this or that. Your sister's gone that makes you my responsibility. Deal with it." Luke said and he crossed his arms. "Fine...But I don't see why you give a damn about me either. You got stuck

With enough when she died." He mumbled.

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