Chapter Nine

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Harry went looking for Draco, who had wondered off to the café in the hospital. He was done waiting for food and felt the light kiss on his cheek. "I guess you never did get breakfast did you?" Harry frown lightly. "It's okay! However, we know for sure she is okay, so it's time for food." Draco said and Harry smiled. "I am glad to hear you wanting something to eat." Harry smiled, and after they got a small tray of food, sat down at one of the tables. "How do you feel about having a little sister?" Harry laughed, taking a bit of the hamburger he got. "You noticed that too, hum?" Draco said, taking a bite of his toast. "I did. I think it would be good for both of them." Harry said and after a moment, Draco agreed. "I do think things would have went a lot differently if I had been a girl. I do think my father would do better with a girl." Draco said, for Harry to nod in agreement. "What happened at her house?" Draco asked and Harry frowned. "Her father was real abusive...ended up killing her mama. Your parents have first choice over her, because she'll end up in an special needs home. No family member wants her." Harry said, and Draco frown. "She's a prefect little girl! Why wouldn't her family want her?" Draco said, very upset. "She's deaf, or at least almost deaf and a little behind her age group because of the things she's seen. She'll have to go to therapy I'm sure. Nobody wants to deal with that." Harry answered, before putting a hand on Draco's check. "I think your parents will give that girl a happy home, and she'll have one hell of a big brother to protect her. That's all that matters now." Harry said softly, getting a kiss on his hand. "But why are people just as evil in this world?" Draco said kind of quiet, still upset and almost crying. "I wish I knew. Hey, somebody is awfully emotional today." Harry said and Draco let out a sigh. "I suppose I haven't really felt myself today." Draco admitted, before Harry stood up at the table and lend down. He give Draco a small kiss, who couldn't help but blush. "It's time we close the window for the season, love." Harry said, knowing he must be sick. "I know, I will." Draco said, kind of disappointed.

Little Annie soon wiggles up beside Harry in the booth. "Well, hello!" Harry said, kind of loudly. Annie looked over at him, a little confused but smiled. She knew he was the one who talked. "She...heard the sound I think!" Draco said. "Yeah, the doctor is sure she has a little hearing. Join Potter, your mother and I are joining you." Lucius said and after a sigh, Draco pushed his Tray of food over and joined Harry with little Annie sitting between them and Lucius sat down. Draco heard his mum talking to some woman just a couple minutes later. She had let her hair down, that was long past her tail bone at this point. Draco also seen her wand poking out of her-well he then seen it was kind of tucked into a belt lope of her muggle blue jeans. "Why on Earth does she carry her wand on her so openly!?" Draco asked kind of shocked, but quickly. "I have no idea. Most people around here think your mama is a little odd anyway. Nobody really thinks twice about the wand in her pocket." Lucius replied and Draco let out a sigh. "Still, I don't think she should really be showing it off." Draco said. "You are more then welcome to explain that to your mother, but you won't win that fight if I can't." Lucius said, seeing the small hand reach and grab the second piece of toast off of Draco's tray and Anne took a bit bite of it. "Somebody's hungry." Harry laughed lightly, giving her head a pat. "Nass was able to translate that much. Her understanding for that hand language isn't much." Lucius said. "It's call sign language and I'll pick up a couple of books next time I am by the library." Harry said.
Narcissa joined the table a little later with a tray for Lucius and little Annie. "Who's your friend?" Draco asked. "Oh, just somebody I have ran into a few times in town." Narcissa said. "When? Because you have been sending me out on the town even since I got here." Harry said, but kind of laughed. "Before and I know. She noticed I haven't been around and asked if everything was alright." Narcissa said. "What did that officer said to you?" She then asked Harry. "Oh, nothing you don't already know. The doctor on the other hand?" Harry said and she Nodded. "I can manage the phone calls needed, as long as I have the numbers needed." Narcissa replied. "It should be in her release papers or they will just call you. Just depends on who they recommend. Sometimes they go ahead and make the appointment for you." Harry said. "You drive?" She asked. "Sure." Harry said, knowing he doesn't have a drivers license, but has drove before. "You don't sound-" Lucius started to say. "Oh, I can drive. I just never got my license. I could now, but I'm not legal here. The paperwork my aunt got was just a visa." Harry said. "It only took a second, if you want what I mean." Narcissa said and after a pause, Harry nodded. "I do know, but I'm sure that was before you had doctors involved. It would happen to quickly and rise suspicions. The Visa is good for a few years, so no need to worry... Especially if Draco is really legal here." Harry said, a bite cocky. "What...does Draco have to do with it?" Lucius said and after a moment Draco kind of blushed.

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