Chapter Two

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"I don't know who you think your talking to." Lucius said. "What do the two of you possible want that couldn't have waited until later?" He somewhat spatted. Narcissa only give her husband a look to keep quick, seeing the look of angry grown on his face. "I was hoping you or your wife knew were I could find Harry." Narcissa said. "Whatever is it, no." Vernon said, going to shut the door, for Lucius to throw up his cane to keep it shut. "You know damn well were that boy is and I have ways to find out. One's a lot easier then the second." Lucius said, and after a hateful look he pushed opened the door. The door was somewhat slammed shut behind them. "Be sure they are gone before I get back. It's bad enough were stuck with him." Was all he side, before grabbing a briefcase and heading out the back door.
Narcissa seen the woman standing on the stairs case, a robe tied closed and she looked much like sleep. "I have enough problems...without people showing up, I thought he blocked us?" She said. "He blocked himself, and without getting into many details. We have our ways, but we need to speak to him." Narcissa said. "Look. Our relationship might not be well, but I won't risk what little stabilisation he has. You both need to leave." She said and after a pause. "We know what happened to Evans, and some ideas what happened to him. You need to let her talk to him." Lucius said. "I don't have to let you two do anything." She said and Narcissa let out a sigh. "I get it...But this is our last chance. I won't lose my son without a fight." Narcissa whispered and after a sigh. "Anything magical the two of you have keeps down here." She said after a moment. Narcissa wanted to object, but just held out her hand for her husband's wand who did NOT want to give it to her. He hated the idea of that, because of how that man reacted...But there was no talking her out of it. He handed the wand over, and she handed them both to her. "A potion brought us to the town, we walked the reminder of the way. Everything else was left behind, other then a few books." Narcissa said and after a pause. "The second door on the left is his room. Leave, if he requests it." She said.

Narcissa pushed opened the bedroom door slowly. The room was very dark, then window blackout by a black blanket nailed to the wall. The hallway light did light up the bedroom enough for her to see Harry on the bed. His glasses on his face, but very cockeyed. The smell of that muggle whiskey strong on his clothes; black jeans with holes in them, and some white T-Shirt with some band on it and the black leather jacket opened up resting on the bed beside him. He had an earing on his lip and his eyebrow, that very much confused Narcissa. Along with the purple color mixed in with his black hair. He had son some odd looking boots. "What on Earth happened to him?" She asked, frowning. "The weasley's lost touch with him shortly after the war..." Lucius said, before the hand was seen Turing on the main light. The room was a complete miss, objects thrown all over the room, other then the notebook that sat by the bed, the different colors pens by it was very much in order and the blade laying on the end table that Narcissa knew to much about. "I got a letter from his friend, Hermione I believe, asking if I knew were he might have ran off to. He doesn't really talk much...But I know it has to do with whatever happened to Lily, rather it was directly or not." Patunia said. "I didn't think he would be here, I just thought you would know where he would be." Narcissa whispered. "He isn't waking up if he hasn't already. He doesn't really have a choice. On his Twenty-frist birthday there will be another hiring, but with how he still is? He'll be under my care for a while." She said. "I told you. There was a reason why families left afterwards. Draco wasn't the only one affected." Narcissa said, before walking over to the bed. "Even so. How much help can he really be if he is also falling apart?" Lucius asked and she let out a sigh. "Is he on medication?" Narcissa asked. "I'm surprised you even know about that." She replied. "Nothing...else was helping Draco...So I learned what I had to right then, the rest is still coming..." Narcissa admitted. "A few, but the drinking pretty much just cancels it out...He can't stay sober long enough for the medicines to help him...and because he isn't yet suicidal or has hurt somebody...I can't have him admitted. It's...just the endless cycle and he won't listen to his friends or me. All I can do is keep him close enough...that I can keep him form doing something stupid drunk, even though I have no idea how he is getting the whiskey." She said. "Why on Earth is the earrings there?" She asked. "Not earrings, and I am not sure why he had that done." She said and after a sigh. "I can wake him up, but I do need my wand." Narcissa said. "That won't fix the handover." Lucius said and Patunia walked into the bedroom. "You really think you can help?" She asked. "I can't say for sure, but I do think my idea will help him." Narcissa said, before getting handed the wands back. "He's a good kid. I don't need him joining his mother so soon...He has to be back by Monday, for a psychiatrist appointment." She said, and Narcissa nodded.

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