Chapter Six

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"What promise would that be?" Draco asked, looking down at Harry. "No matter what happens, you never again-" Harry started to say, getting cut off by a kiss. "I promise." Draco said softly, before letting out a noise. He landed on his back, on the bed, his wrists pend together above his hand. "One condition, I keep my jacket." Harry whispered, giving Draco's neck a kiss. "Mom told me when you were sleeping...I didn't wake you up right away." Draco admitted, getting another kiss to his neck. "Well...Mine are...fresh...The bandages have to keep on one." Harry whispered. "I haven't felt the need to cut in a while, It won't bother me...but you also agreed-" Draco said, getting cut off by the rough kiss to his lips. "Only because...I can't see myself without you any longer. I can't promise I won't fight your mother...But I'll do my best...I do promise that..." Harry said, getting a small kiss. "Then I am okay...I feel a lot better then I have in such a long time." Draco admitted and Harry gave him a slow kiss.

Even with the window open, both boys quickly removed each other clothing. A strong hand holding Draco's wrists approve his head. "What's on your teeth?" Harry asked, after sticking his tongue into Draco's mouth this time. "Er...I think they are all braces? My...jaw got broke, mum was able to fix the jaw but not my during like the first week or so, they talked my mother into me going and getting the put on my teeth." Draco admitted kind of admitted shyly and Harry smiled lightly. "Opened your mouth." Harry said, for Draco to slowly open his mouth. Harry smiled, giving him a light kiss. "I suppose I can get used to them." Harry said, starting to kiss Draco again who tried to pull his wrists free, but Harry's grip only tighten, before Draco let out a small noise. God, it hurt just a little as Harry pushed inside him. "It's good to know, you haven't slept with another." Harry whispered in his ear. "I love you, Harry...I couldn't bring myself to...even try." Draco half moaned out, as Harry started to move. "I love you too, Draco. I never stopped...I just...never could place where the love was suppose to go." Harry said, not once stopping his movements. "I...promise I won't...Leave you...again." Draco moaned out, getting a rough kiss. "You just be a good little boy for Daddy." Harry whispered in his ear, causing Draco's face to completely blush over. Harry never called himself that before, but Draco did kind of like it. "Yes, daddy." Draco moaned out, as Harry started getting somewhat rough with the boy below him who struggled to keep his noises under control. Only when Harry smashed his hips with his own, was when the noises were the most quiet, at least until Draco was about to finish. Harry ended up turning the boys head, somewhat pushing it into the pillow that was against the wall to muffle his cries. Draco really couldn't breath, but it made him all the more sensitive and his hold body shock causing them both to finish.

Draco was asleep in his bed, so Harry hand wondered to the kitchen, with just his jacket thrown over his shoulder and some swimming trucks he often wore under his black jeans with the socks badly thrown on his feet again. His arms wasn't the only place he had his habit up. He was opening up all the cabinets, he WAS going to find Lucius whiskey or whatever else he had been drinking. "Shouldn't you be sleep?" Lucius said, walking to the fridge. "Just-" Harry started. "Not going to happen, she's got the sleeping pills if that's what's you need." Lucius said. "What I need is a drink." Harry said, with his arms now crossed. "What you need is to sleep." Lucius said. "I don't need parents." Harry said. "According to the law here and there, you do. So deal with it, and take your ass to bed." Lucius said and after a huff, Harry stormed passed him. "She wants some kind of account on your arms." Lucius said, causing Harry to stop in the living room, a hand on the wall. "That... won't happened. It isn't suicidal and just like the deal I made with my aunt, she'll find the blade when I do." Harry said hearing the sigh. "Narcissa isn't your aunt. She can and will make you, and she has the right too now." Lucius said and after a huff. "Not now, And why the hell did she take my sleeping pills?" Harry asked. "I'll get you your bottle, if you keep Draco form knowing where they are." Lucius said and after a moments thought. "Just get me one if you insist on being an ass about me not drinking." Harry said, walking down the hallway.

Once the month was over? Draco was free, kind of. He was no longer having to report to the mental institution every day of the normal work week, just once a week on Mondays. Harry found himself a job in town, that kept him busy throughout the day, and Draco kept him busy at night, so that and the medicines kept his mind form raising so much, so even Harry was doing somewhat better.
Draco? On the other hand woke up sick this morning. His stomach was very upset and he felt a little light headed. He wasn't at all sure why he was telling such a way. His mother had changed his diet, that made it a LOT easier to eat the three times required by his doctors. He hasn't had a problem with it, so maybe it wasn't the food? Maybe...he was just getting sick? The winter was nearly here and he refused to close his maybe the cold had gotten the better of him.

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