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"Just be careful...The people here I swear are worst then what we normally deal with." Narcissa frowned. "I know." Lucius said, getting a light kiss form his wife.

Lucius knocked on the door to a run down house, standing on the porch for a few minutes before the man opened the door. Lucius raised an eyebrow. The man stood in his shorts, a beer in hand and looked half asleep. "What?" He said. "Where's your kid?" Lucius asked. "At some birthday." He said. "So you just let your seven year old kid just ride the bus by himself?" Lucius said. "I didn't let the bart do a damn thing. He was gone when I woke up." He spat. "Do you even care?" Lucius asked. "Why do you?" He said, finishing off his beer. "Because that boy isn't cared for!" Lucius said. "Its non of your business. You need to leave." He spat. "You need to sign this paper or I'm reporting your ass for abuse. I've seen the marks on the kid." Lucius said. "You don't have proof of anything. Fuck off." He said, going to shut the door. Lucius put his hand on the door, keeping it form shutting. "I can bring you a shit tone of pain, sign the paperwork, give us the boy." Lucius said. "Just give him the kid." Said a woman..Lucius raised an eyebrow as the door fully opened. She looked to be about twenty years old. "And you are?" Lucius asked. "Nobody that concerns you." She said, before looking at the man beside her. "Just give him the kid." She said again. "Fine, take the brat." He spat.

Lucius came back with the paperwork that Harry got fixed, so now the little boy was their son. Little Anne was very excited. Her best friend was going to be staying with them, forever!

Harry felt a kiss on his cheek. He smiled, looking over at Draco who then nuzzled to his chest. "What's the matter?" Harry asked. "Just don't feel the best is all. How is Charlie?" Draco asked. "He's doing much better, but Little Tommy is worried about him." Harry said, locking his arm around Draco. "I would be too, you know." Draco said. "I know. Are you sure you shouldn't see a healer?" Harry asked. "No, I'm fine." Draco yawned, nuzzling to Harry to were they went to sleep early.

Narcissa was sitting in the living room floor late that night. Wrapping up the Christmas presents for the children. The house was quiet, other then her making a little bite of noise, so when the cat outside started to make noise, she raised an eyebrow but got to her feet. She grabbed her coat and slowly opened the door. "Oh, baby!" She frowned, leaning down. The small kitten was shaking, covered in snow on the porch. "Come here." She said and slowly reached her hand under the kitten and picked it up.
"Lucius, awake up." She said, shaking her husband. He yawned but sat up. "What's wrong?" He asked, turning on the lamp. "I need some food for this." She said, holding out the kitten. "Where did you pick it up?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "It was on the porch. It needs food." She said. "Where am I suppose to go at midnight, dear?" Lucius asked. "I don't know, but it needs food. "Alright, alright. Let's go find it something to eat." Lucius said.

Harry yawned coming out of the bedroom the next morning, and step on the bathroom to his medicines before he started getting ready for the day. Harry was standing in the shower, letting the hot water hit his head when Draco knocked on the door. "Yeah?" Harry said, and Draco opened the door. "I'm okay, Draco...just a little more achy today, oddly." Harry admitted. "Well, guess what?" Draco said. Harry smiled lightly. "What?" Draco asked and Draco pushed open the shower door. Draco held the kitten close. "Where did that come from?" Harry chuckled, but turned off the water. "Mama found her last night...she wants to know if you are okay with keeping her." Draco asked. "That's fine. I'll call the vet to get her check out." Harry said, stepping out the shower.

"Narcissa!" Harry called for who just hung up the house phone. Narcissa hurried down the stairs. "Yes, Harry?" She asked getting waved to come to the kitchen. She came. "You have to take the kitty to the vet this afternoon. It's for a check up, she'll be fine." Harry said. "Is that really necessary?" She asked. "You want to keep the cat, then yes." Harry said, holding out the index card. "Oh, alright." She said, taking the index card.
Narcissa went to the vet with the kitten and her little boy who was sitting beside her, with the kitten on her lap. "Kitty!" He giggled and she lend over and kissed his head. "Yes, kitty. Harry says we have to be sure she's okay, that's why we brought her to the vet. A doctor for kitties and puppies." She said. "No puppies. Just kitties." He said and she chuckled. "Just the kitty, don't worry." She said, ruffling his hair.
Overall the kitten was in good healthy, running around the little room after the veterinarian put her down. "You must of found her pretty soon, because she's unharmed and a very healthy looking kitten." He said. "Is...there something I need to watch out for?" She asked. "I don't see any reason to worry. Just bring her back in a few months and we can get her fixed if you plan on letting her outside." He said. "No! My kitty." Zane said, picking up the kitten and holding her close. "I think she'll be staying inside. Zane really likes her." Narcissa smiled lightly. "No worries. Harry's card is in file, so don't worry about the bill." He said. "Harry's...had an animal before?" She asked. "A few years ago, but yes." He answered.

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