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"I don't think, I know, they had a relationship. The memories are there in both their minds once you get past the spells. As for what the youngest child of the Weasley family, I wouldn't know." Narcissa said, lending down to pick up her fussy four month old boy, Zane. He fussed, but nuzzled to her chest. Better since he wasn't stuck in that carsit anymore. "There's two babies here. I thought you said They had one?" Hermione said. "Zane's mine." Narcissa said, before Zane looked at Hermione. He wasn't sure what to think of the new person around him and she wasn't sure what to think. Hermione looked up. The three of them, plus little Tommy, was flying high. "Ginny disappeared shortly after. I fell as if maybe Molly knows here whereabouts, but I can't be certain. I have ideas what she done, and it would make sense. If there was a spell blocking out Malfoy, Then Harry wouldn't have been capable of developing feelings for Ginny like he should have. We never felt they were right for one another anyway." Hermione said and Narcissa shrugged her shoulders. "I only know what I have been able to gather. That isn't very much. I've spent the last two years just keep Draco Alive. When Harry was kidnapped, if it wasn't because of the pregnancy, I know for certain I wouldn't have been able to keep him alive." Narcissa said. "The little boy, muggle born?" Narcissa asked. "Yes...which surprised me on the power he has." Narcissa said.

Harry wasn't the most comfortable when they finally headed to watch the game. Little Tommy still holding onto his broom. It was his favorite toy now and he was being carried by his daddy, Luke, who's other arm was being held onto tightly by his daughter, who was starting to get over whelmed. "Aunt, I promise you'll be okay." Luke said, and she just shrugged her shoulders as they walked to the area they were suppose to be sat in. The two little boys sitting on Narcissa lap. Zane not wanting to share his mommy was being fussy at little Harry. Little Harry just giggled. He likes his little new outfit and liked his grandma. Harry was having a quiet conversation with Hermione and Ron, Draco sitting on the right side of Harry, looking over at his baby boy be looked at by Zane who wasn't very happy. "You stop that, Mr." Narcissa said softly to her boy that Lucius ended up taking. Zane was okay with that, because he wasn't sharing his daddy. "Fly!" Tommy fussed. "Baby, you can fly later, I promise. There's some game you are going to sit here and watch." Luke said, pulling his boy on his lap. Hermione smiled lightly and walked over. She eased down. "Harry and Malfoy are going to teach you all kinds of things. I'm sure you'll be a fast little seeker!" Hermione said and he hugged his broom. "I'm assuming that's a part in the game?" Luke said. "They haven't talked much about magic to you, have they?" Hermione asked. "Tommy just came into his powers a few week ago. The last year as been difficult, it started before Harry was kidnapped. Narcissa helped me...take care of my kids when my wife was killed." Luke said. "I'm sorry to hear about your wife." Hermione said, ruffling the boys hair. "It's just... difficult to accept the changes is all." Hermione admitted. "It's hard to picture them another way. Lucius...doesn't really say much, but Narcissa's has been this big help. I'm really not sure what I would of done without her...You and yours looking for a house?" Luke asked. "I thought you were just going to sell it, daddy?" Angel asked and Luke shrugged his shoulders. "You can uses what's there. It's fully furnished." Luke said. "I'll...talk to Ron, but I'd have to pay you. With a family of four, it must be bigger then a starter home." Hermione said. "It's a three bedroom, two bath. Two stories, but no...I'm just...don't think I'm ready to...move on form that part of my life, but I don't want to be there." Luke said. "I'll talk with Ron. The game should be starting soon." Hermione said.

Other then the amount of people, Harry and Angel both really liked the game. Angel liked listening to the announcements the speaker wand person was saying about the game. Harry missed playing, he really really did. He also missed flying. If was a bit part of his young life for a long time, it disappointed him that part of his life was over. Not over, but at that very moment, it was over.
"What did you think?" Narcissa turned to ask the two of them. "I really liked it." Angel smiled. "It wasn't something I understood, but it was cool to watch. It was also something Tommy really enjoyed. As you can tell by my boy trying to wave down some of the players." Luke chuckled but followed his toddler who was flying down to the field. By the time Luke caught up, a couple of the players were smiling at the toddler. "Tommy, I'm sure they have to get going." Luke said. "He is adorable. We haven't had such a little fan before." He smiled, before easing down to his knees. He pulled out his wand and called over the rest of the team. Tommy giggled. They all signed his little broom with their wands, engraving their names into his broom. "...yay!" Tommy giggled. "Can you fly eat little man?" He asked, and Tommy nodded. He took off, followed by a couple of the team mates, who enjoyed their little fan. It made Luke smile. Tommy could be himself, even if he was just a toddler. They understood and accept his son, even knowing who he came from. Tommy was took back down. "Is it just you and him?" Ask the man.

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