Chapter Ten

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"It would still be a process, but it can make it easier." Harry said and Lucius just looked. "I still don't think I understand." Lucius said. "I'll fill you in later." Narcissa said, but smiled at the two boys. "However, if she isn't fully deaf, how come they never got her something to help?" Narcissa asked Harry. "It just depends. Most likely, they just couldn't be bothered, but just let me know what the doctor says I'll we can get her some hearing aids. I'm sure it would make her very happy." Harry said, watching little Annie eat her toast, while sitting on her legs in the booth. "How much longer do we have to be here?" Draco asked. "Not much longer, they are finishing up the paperwork. She said she was hungry. They were find with me being her here." Narcissa said, picking up the juice to have a drink of it. "Yeah. She's overall fine." Harry said, taking another bite off his food, before pushing away the tray. He ate enough this early afternoon. "Why was you covered in black yesterday?" Narcissa asked, knowing the black shown up on his clothes, even if his clothes were black. "Oh, I was trying to get this job at an auto shop. He thought because I was twenty I couldn't have known something. Shown his ass." Harry said, pretty cocky. "You didn't say anything about looking for another job." Draco said, knowing he STILL haven't been approved to work. "Because it isn't like I'm going to be working at both places. The hours change just slightly, but I need something else then put up those stupid oversized trucks." Harry said. "You was really starting to complain about your back." Narcissa said, a bit concerned. "How...Nevermind. Yes, It was getting annoying. For the most part this would be easier. I should start Monday." Harry said, and After a moment Narcissa nodded. Annie then give Harry a poke, before putting to the unfinished food. Harry just give her a small smile, and pushed over the tray to her.

With his own magic still bind, because Narcissa was still too concerned about the two boys to lift it. Harry had to show her what to do, to get the magical hope to quickly find a three bedroom place. It was another apartment. Narcissa just really wasn't ready to move into some big place, to much of a reminder of a past she really didn't want to remember.
So the apartment was a three bedroom, two bathroom place. The master bedroom had it's own bathroom, that after some conversation; Lucius decided to give it to the two boys. Narcissa agreed, as the second bedroom was pretty much just as big, just without the joining bathroom. Annie loved her little room she had all to herself, even more so loved the tree outside her window. She giggled, as she climbed up on her new bed. It was nice and comfortable. Narcissa lend against the door frame, watching Annie snuggle under the blankets. She was sleepy. "My offer still stands, Narcissa." She heard lucius say. "I think my hands are full enough with two teenage boys and a small child." She said, but smiled lightly. "She'll be four very soon." Lucius said and after a pause. "I don't know, Lucius. Draco and Harry are still a long way away form being able to be without the supervision...and it has been a long time since I had a small child around normally. Let alone one with a disability." Narcissa said. "Those two boys aren't going anywhere anytime soon, they'll have a family long before they move." Lucius said, taking a sit in the chair Narcissa had learn to keep outside each door. His physical body was getting worst. "You didn't." Narcissa said, turning around. "I didn't have to. Draco is a pure blood and with both Potter and Evans being witches, he was enough. The day he turned eighteen it allowed it." Lucius said. " wasn't the cold?" Narcissa said, getting pulled over to him lightly. "No, but they'll never put it together on their own. I'm surprised you didn't pick up on it this morning." Narcissa said. "I wasn't thinking that would be an option as to what was wrong with him." Narcissa said. "Other reason, for now wouldn't be a good time. I've got a few more years anyway." Narcissa said. "Something I feel as if the decision should be made for you." Lucius said. "You...really think now, with everything going on, is the right time for a baby that even with magic could go wrong?" She asked. "I think the boys wouldn't let anything go wrong. I think you should just let me worry about that and do something you have been wanting for a while." Lucius said.

Less then an hour later, Narcissa hurried down the hallway, to Annie bedroom who woke up screaming form a nightmare. "Shh." Narcissa somewhat hummed holding the tearing girl close who just kept screaming. "He says she knows when your talking so...maybe." Lucius said, grabbing Annie's small hand and pushed it onto Narcissa neck and after a few seconds Annie screams went to sobs. "Just calm down, sweetheart. See if we have some milk." Narcissa said, before she started to rub Annie hair.
By the time Lucius come back, she was quiet, but somewhat in a ball trying to hide herself under the blankets. "Why...not try and lay her down between us? She was lacking the care she was suppose to have." Lucius suggested and after a pause, narcissa agreed.
It seemed Annie was a little more comfortable, but she didn't want to go back to sleep. So she was awake after Narcissa feel asleep. She climbed off the bed slowly and walked into the bedroom. The sound of the tub turning on, woke up Lucius who had trouble sleeping anyway. He seen Narcissa beside him still, but Annie gone form the bed, and was very confused.

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