Chapter 13

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"Bring your wife and the children over? We are on the ground floor. I'm sure Annie would love to have somebody to play with, but she is deaf so communication is still a problem." Harry asked. "Would you be more comfortable?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm sure Lucius can get you and your wife some drinks." Harry said. "She can pick up things to make drinks and virgin drinks." He said. "Alright, give me an hour. I have to deal with this." Harry said. "Alright!" He said pretty excited.

"So who is coming over?" Narcissa asked, starting an early dinner. "A co-worker, his wife and their kids." Harry said. "I rather it be more advanced notice then an hour." Narcissa said. "That...wasn't the plan, but...he knows about magic because of his kid brother and his wife just had a baby, so she could help. Oh, she's also in a wheelchair, she could be helpful for Lucius took." Harry said. "I thought the doctor said only-" He started to say. "He did, but He also recommended you use it more then you think you need it." Harry said. "...maybe." He replied. "Can you two get Annie ready?" Narcissa asked. "I got her. You spell like oil, shower." Draco kind of fuss at Harry who chuckled. "Alright." Harry said.

About fourty minutes later, there was a small knock on the door, and the voice heard. "Daddy, mama! Aren't you coming?" A little girls voice was heard. "They might need a hand." Lucius said. "I got it." Draco said, walking over to the door and Annie followed.
Draco walked over to the car, hearing the very fussy little boy. "You must be Draco." Said Harry's co-worker standing, shaking a bottle. "Yes, I must be. Why doesn't Annie take the girls inside to play? Dinner isn't quiet ready and neither is Harry." Draco said. "Alright, thank you." Spoke the woman.

Draco walked back into the house, with Annie and the two girls. The once about Annie age and one quiet a few years older. "Hello, girls." Narcissa said. "I rather watch TV." Said the older girl to Draco. "How old are you?" Narcissa asked. "Ten. I've already had my share of Barbie dolls for one evening." She whined. "Something the can watch too, if they so choice too." Narcissa said. "Thanks." She said, and hurried into the living room.
When they wasn't inside In a few minutes, Narcissa when outside this time. "Do you guys need a hand?" Narcissa asked as she walked over to the car. Only to see the very fussy little boy. "Now what's the matter?" She asked easing down. "He's not so used to a car ride." She whispered. "She's worried about bring him inside so fussy." He spoke. "I'm sure he'll calm down inside, and There's some apple sauce in the fridge. How does that sound little man?" She asked, for him to just kind of look at her somewhat easing off his crying. "I think he likes her." He spoke. "Wanna hold him?" She asked. "I'd love to." Narcissa smiled lightly.

Dinner was still finishing up, but all of them (other then the children) gathered around the table. "Your hair, why purple?" He asked. "I didn't like green? Just woke up one morning with purple in my hair." Harry said. "Along with the piercings I take it?" He asked. "Yeah, thought about a tattoo." Harry said. "I think not, Harry." Narcissa said. "Tattoos are pretty cool." His co-worker said. "But people can go crazy with ink and it gets pretty nasty." Said the woman. "Nothing big, just time for something new." Harry said. "Maybe. Why not just change your hair?" Narcissa asked. "Because I like the purple." Draco fussed. "Alright. Alright." Narcissa said.

Harry's friend by the boy walked into the living room. "Fine your sister and get washed up for dinner." He said the ten year old girl. "She can get-" She started to fuss, before he picked up the remote and turned off the TV. "You spend to much time with your father. Loose your tone, and do what I told you to do." He said. "You two won't even let me spend the night over there, how could that possiblity be true?" She fussed. "Penelope, knock it off. Do what your father tells you to do." She spoke up form the table. "He isn't my father." She fussed, before storming out of the living room. "Sorry." He somewhat whispered.

"She's your step-daughter?" Harry asked, following him outside so he could smoke. "Yeah." He replied. "I thought-" Harry started. "I said she had three children. I never said they were all mine." He replied. "I was a little curious why she was so much older then the older two, but I didn't want to ask." Harry said. "He's a bit of an ass, who barely as visitation rights over her." He replied. "Why not explain to her what's he done?" Harry asked. "The wife doesn't want her to know, but I'm getting tired of her tone when she spend time with him." He said, before Harry's grabbed a smoke. "She talks to Draco, maybe I can talk to her? I'm sure narcissa could help Penelope?" Harry asked. "Sure, thanks. She's really good with the baby." He replied. "As...much of....a pain she...can be, she has always been a mother." Harry said. "Would she...I mean I could pay her, keep the baby a night or two every now and then?" He asked. "I'm sure she would be very pleased and happy to watch the baby. She enjoy every moment of it, don't let her fool you." Harry said. "Cool." He replied.

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