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"Is there other possibilities, then the broom?" He asked. "At his age, no." Narcissa said as Luke eased down on the couch and Angel give his cheek a kiss. "I think you should call her." Angel said, before she eased down at the coffee table, trying to keep an eye on her baby brother on the broom and finish her last thoughts about last night nightmare. "What is she talking about?" Narcissa asked and Luke let out a sigh. "Nothing I'm ready for." Luke replied.

"Who dropped the broom off?" Draco asked coming down the stairs. "The woman I asked to speak to Harry and Angel. Your...father thinks we should take a trip to watch a game." Narcissa said. "You have any idea the number of people that's going to be there?" Draco asked. "I'm very much aware. Little Tommy is having a blast though, and I know your father could use a little magic. You and Harry I'm sure can go for a ride. Keep Luke between you." Narcissa said. "What's this about Luke?" Luke said and she just turned and smile. "Taking you for a ride is all." Narcissa said. "It would just be easier to take him as a passenger, then try and keep him between us and keep an eye on Harry." Draco said but shook his shoulders. "I might of already bought the tickets. it'll be fine." Narcissa said and Draco rolled his eyes. "And the boys, are we just suppose to take the babies?" Draco asked. "Yes, they get in free. It will be fine!" Narcissa said.

Harry felt the kiss on his cheek and turned his head to see Draco. Harry was rocking little Harry to asleep, who was a sleepy little boy. "So, this weekend...We are going to take a little trip." Draco said. "I...overheard them talking. I don't love that idea...but I would like to fly again." Harry whispered and Draco smiled lightly. "I think I would do." Draco said, lending over and giving his baby boys head a kiss, before giving Harry a kiss on the lips. "I love you, very much, Harry." Draco said. "I love you, Harry."

Come that weekend, Luke wasn't the happiest in the way they had to travel, but little Tommy was holding tightly to his little broom. He never let his toy go and understood Harry and Draco were going to show him more tricks. The ones Luke wasn't looking forward too either. Tommy had crashed so many times the last few days, and that was without learning tricks. He was just a baby! No. He was a magical boy. Draco grabbed his hand and with the summon of the two brooms Harry, Draco and little Tommy took off in the open air. Tommy got a little scared when he realized how high up he was, but Luke seen Harry and Draco talk to him, and Tommy soon followed them again. "Lucius said you contacted somebody a few days ago?" Luke said, easing the carsit down that held little Harry on it, and she sat the one that held her son, Zane, down. "I sent the letter, but I have little hope it was opened." She whispered. "What's the reason you guys left?" Luke asked and after a sigh, Narcissa explain their part in the war. The tattoos that both Lucius and her son had and everything they went through after the trail and then just trying to get their son healthy again. She even explain going and getting Harry form his aunt's. What little they really knew about Harry before now and that Harry and Draco were seeing each other before the war started, in secret. "Why are you so willingly coming back here, if your worried about what people might say of you?" Luke asked. "Because, I asked a lot of my husband when we made the moved to the muggle world to try and save our son, and I'm not sure people would understand..." Narcissa said. "I'm assuming there's a reason for that?" Luke asked and Narcissa let out a sigh. "We had a very strong point of view of muggle Borns. It makes things difficult." She whispered and Luke shrugged his shoulders. "People have to learn people can change." Luke said. "I know, but it isn't as simple for people to believe." Narcissa said.

They stood there for a few more minutes, before the young couple come up behind them. "Mrs. Malfoy, we got your letter." Hermione said, before Narcissa turned to face her. She smiled lightly, before Luke tried around. Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Where is it, I know you form?" She said. "I work in an Auto shop." Luke said and she nodded. "Alright then. It's ... Been over two years since we even talked to him, what makes you think we can even help?" Hermione asked. "I'm not sure, honestly. A lot happened between the time he left here and we got to him, then, As I explained in the letter, he hasn't been the same since he was found." Hermione said, before the Toddler Tommy came to a quick stop, between the four adults. Tommy looked at the young couple all wide eyed, but had learn very quickly the proper holding stance on his broom. "Now, look at you!" Hermione smiled lightly. Tommy giggled, before he was gone again. "He...isn't very old." She said. "No, but without walls in the way, he is flying very well. Luke's youngest. Angel is around here somewhere, his oldest." Narcissa said and she nodded again. "I'm sure you can get Harry's attention if you join them in the air." Hermione said to Ron, who after a pause, nodded. He summoned the broom and then took off in the arm. "Why did Harry leave?" Narcissa asked. "I never knew and each time we tried to go by his aunt's, he get madder and she threatened to call to police if we kept coming by. I think, it has to do with what you think, or something Ginny did." Hermione said.

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