Chapter Five

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"She talked a lot about you...She had to of known." Harry said, watching Draco start to cry. "My father did...I guess he told her. He in a different way...He just." Draco stoped talking, he was crying. Harry only brought Draco's chin up, and give him a kiss. It has been nearly two years since they had been together in any way. It had long missed Harry's touch, Harry's smell, everything about Harry he had messed and it was making his mind race even more....What was the point in trying to get better, when He couldn't have the one person he wanted. To build the life they wanted. A couple of kids running around in some small countryside house far away form the city noise. Peaceful and quiet. "I'm sorry." Draco whispered after Harry pulled away. "Hush, All I want right for you to work on getting out of this place. Something tells me your mama is going to be up my ass for a while." Harry somewhat yawned out. "Just like me...You probably need it." Draco said kind of quiet. "I'm not going to ever say that." Harry whispered. "Come...lay down...they'll let you stay for a while." Draco whispered.

Draco's hand was slowly running through Harry's head, who laid asleep. Harry was rather exhausted and sober, neither one he was okay with. The light touched Draco gave to his head, that he laid on Draco's lap, quickly put him to sleep. Draco knew it was getting late for visitation...and wondered how come nobody had came form Harry who was still asleep, even hours later. Draco thought about going to sleep, but it was still to early for him to go to sleep. It would effect the little aid the new medicine was doing...and he just...wanted to go home...wanted to be with Harry.
He heard the light knock on the door, and he looked up. He seen the psychiatrist holding a folder, and a bag of something. "How are you feeling?" He asked. " alone...My parents went to get him, didn't they?" Draco asked, watching him sat down the stuff on the small study table, before grabbing the chair and having a sit in it beside him. "They did and the spent a couple hours talking to me...then I spent a couple hours making some phonecalls." He said, getting a funny look. "Why...would you be making phonecalls?" Draco said, kind of worried. "Because...I had to be sure the boss would be okay with trying this, but you only have one chance. One rule not followed, you'll find yourself back here." He said. "Why...after all this time, would you agree to something like that?" Draco asked. "Your mother assures me she can keep you close, by your choice or not. I learned not to question her." He paused, letting out a sigh and looked down at Harry. "They are also sure of how he can help...and he can't really stay here. I wasn't even suppose to let him come back here...So after some phones...I agreed to give this a shot." He said before reaching back and grabbing the folder. "I... don't understand." Draco whispered, slowly talking the folder that was handed to him.
Draco slowly opened it, and looked over the paperwork. "You...are increasing my medicine?" Draco asked. "I am, along with getting you in therapy all five days for a month to start off with. Your parents agreed  proved for you and him until I clear you to work. I think he is already working maybe, and his care isn't as advanced as you'll be." He said and Draco just slowly closed the folder. "Just...tell my parents... I rather not look at this right now..." Draco whispered and after a pause. "Don't make me regret this, Draco." He said, and Draco just nodded.

The first thing Draco did at the apartment? Was go to his room and open the window. The cold autumn air quickly feeling up his room, but it didn't bother him. He might be on probation, like one wrong move and his ass would be locked up again, but the open air coming in his room form the outside, made him feel free. "When...did you change your looks?" Draco asked, hearing Harry sit on the bed. "Over the last few months...Just kind of woke up and something new was there." Harry admitted, as Draco reached out, grabbing the branch off the tree outside his second story apartment bedroom window. "Father said you've been drinking a lot?" Draco asked, grabbing a leaf form the tree. "Yeah...but your mother somehow got her hands on my wand." Harry said, a bit annoyed. "Yeah...she means well..." Draco said, turning back around, to see Harry laying on his back on the bed. "And my Aunt was able to send me over to your mother, talk about annoying." Harry said, but closed his eyes. "How can she do that?" Draco asked, a bit confused. "Eh... I've been a little stupid too drunk right after the she requested adult custody and won." Harry said, kind of quiet. He heard the door shut, but not the window. He was thankfully used to sleeping in his jacket to keep the new cut marks hidden form the people he had to be around. Harry only opened his eyes, when he felt Draco drop down on his hips. Draco had somewhat of a blush on his face and Harry just gave him a soft smile. He hated the fact Draco had the obliviated his memories l, but the love was still there for Draco...and it had been since the last time they were together, that Harry's mind had other thoughts then the negative thoughts that ran so loudly in his head. "Promise me one thing Draco." Harry said, locking his hands on Draco's hip.

PTSDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें