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Narcissa wasn't expecting Luke to be in a ball at the foot of their bed come the very early hours of December 26th. The day after Christmas. She slowly eased up and seen her husband already awake, reading a book. "When did-" Narcissa started to say. "I don't have the answer to that. Harry left a note, but it only explains he was drinking. I thought he wasn't suppose to drink because of the medication he is suppose to take?" Lucius asked and Narcissa let out a sigh. "He isn't suppose to drink, No. My understanding Is the liquor cancels out the effects of the medication...He must of had a bad night." Narcissa said, easing the blanket off her legs.
Luke was asleep, but it wasn't a very comfortable sleep. He was in a ball for one, at the foot of their bed. Narcissa got to her feet and Lucius followed her movements. "Check on the children?" She asked her husband and he nodded. Lucius would leave his wife to handle the broken man.

Narcissa eased a hand on his shoulder and gave him a light shake. His eyes shot open. "In the bed, sweetie." Narcissa said softly and after a pause, the man climbed up on the bed and let Narcissa pulled the blanket over him. She turned the lamp off, but sat down beside him on the bed. "You know you can't be drinking, Luke." She said softly. "I...didn't want to bother anybody. I just keep fucking up." Luke huffed, annoyed with himself. "You don't, Luke. You are our family, but that doesn't change your a single father too your children." She said and he let out a sigh. "My son feels as if he can't talk to me about his mom. I thought...It was best to not...and that seemed to be wrong, So yes, I am just fucking up." Luke said and she shook her head. "No, you aren't. What happened to your wife was very wrong. You want your boy happy. Tommy is a very happy and healthy boy. Tommy is also a very BRIGHT boy. He loves you and knows you are doing what you think is best for him. He's going to have questions about his mom. Fine the correct time to properly answer those questions. You aren't coming close to failing those children." Narcissa said. Luke kept quiet, just let himself relax in the bed. After a quiet few minutes and Luke looked asleep. She eased the blanket slowly to his shoulders and slowly got to her feet. She stood watching for a few more minutes, to be sure he wouldn't wake up or talk. Neither happened. So excited the bedroom, letting Luke get some rest.

"Pappy?" Tommy yawned, climbing on his lap about lunch time. Charlie smiled lightly and ruffled the toddler's hair. "What is it, buddy?" He asked the toddler in his lap, but frowned. Tommy was flushed and his pale cheeks were rosey. Charlie put the back of his hand to the boys forehead. Tommy had a temperature. "Are you feeling sick, again?" Charlie asked and the boy nodded. "Come on. I'm taking you to see the doctor." Charlie said.

A sleepy Tommy laid nuzzled to Charlie's neck who was patting his back lightly. Tommy had a bandage on his hand to held the I.V. in it. He was in one of those awful hospital dress things, that was currently hidden by the purple blanket the nurse gave Charlie tucked around the body of the sick boy in his arms. Charlie, didn't have understanding for the condition the nurse said Tommy had. She said it is what is causing Tommy to have a weaker immune system and why he was getting so sick. Tommy was more asleep then not when Luke shown up at the hospital. Luke placed a light kiss on Charlie's lip. "Are you certain that's what the doctor called it?" He frowned. "I am, but...I don't think I understand." Charlie admitted. "It's...not good. I'm going to find her. Is he asleep?" Luke asked. "Almost, but not quite." Charlie said. Luke placed a light kiss on the back of his Boys head, before he went to find the doctor. To be sure of the diagnosis his young son was diagnosed with.

It wasn't easy for Luke to explain the condition to everybody. Well, Harry knew a touch about it, but never been around somebody who stuffers for it. A question was asked, by North. A question that brought unwanted attention to somebody the young teenager didn't know about. There was a family history of a juvenile leukemia and it caused his mother to have to tell a story she never wanted to share. It caused North to pick up his son and storm away. Just more of a reason he hated his parents. It was lie after lie with them.

Luke was pulling the blanket up over Tommy, who he brought him until he spoke to the oncologist more about treatment plans. Tommy wasn't aware of why he was sick, he just knew he was and wanted to sleep. "Daddy?" Tommy whispered. "What is it, buddy?" Luke asked. "You and pappy seemed worried." He frowned. "I don't want you to worry. I just want you to get some sleep, okay?" Luke said, grabbing Tommy stuff animal and handing it to him. Tommy yawned. "Mommy came to me when I had my nap at the doctor's." Tommy said. Luke assumed it was just his imagination. Tommy had been missing his mom these last few days. It was likely the young boys way of feeling better. Luke just smiled. "What did she say? Or did you just see her in your dream?" Luke asked. "It wasn't exactly a dream, daddy. She talked to me." Tommy said. "Okay. What did your mommy say?" Luke asked. "Not to worry. To tell you and Charlie not to worry. I'd be okay. She also said to tell Charlie Sue is okay with her, but I don't know who Sue is, daddy." Tommy said.

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