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"Maybe it's time to look back into the person she was talking to, when this first happened." Narcissa said. "She's called a psychiatrist, and Angel didn't really respond to it. All the psychiatrist was worried about was her dependence on me." Luke said and Narcissa let out a sigh. "What...if I can get somebody else to see her? Somebody form my world? She's coming to see Harry, and I might of mentioned Angel." Narcissa said as Luke rubbed angel's hair. "Angel isn't magical." Luke said. "No, and she is aware of that, but she's helped a lot of people since the war, and she doesn't mind to try a true with Angel." Narcissa said. "I ..know she shouldn't be this dependent on me, but she ... Lost more then her mum that day..." Luke said. "I know, Luke. She isn't worried her dependent on her. She wants to understand what's going on with Angel, I believe she can help." Narcissa said. "okay, let's give it a try." Luke said.

"No." Angel said, putting on her jacket. "Angel, please." Luke said. "Are you mad at me?" Angel asked and Luke let out a sigh. "No, baby...But I don't know what else to do to help you. I love you, so much, but you are an eleven year old girl. You should be fussing about spending time with friends or going to the mall what whatever else girls your age are suppose to do. I don't know to fix that." Luke said. She slowly sat down on the bed. "I'm...not like other girls, daddy." She whispered and he joined her to sit on the bed. "You should still have friends or what to get out a do something. I love you and I love you feel comfortable and safe around me, but sweetie, your broken and I need help fixing that." Luke said, before she held onto his side. "I can barely sleep, I'm not ready for somebody to tell me I have to sleep by myself." She whispered. "Narcissa says that won't happen, she just wants to try and help." Luke said. "Okay." She whispered.

Luke sat with Tommy sitting beside him, reading him a story as the minutes turned into an hour before Angel slowly came down the stairs, and soon the woman in clothes he never really seen before come down the stairs. Angel took her sit beside Luke, the other side of him and Tommy waved at his big sister. Angel smiled and reached for the toddler who giggled and climbed over his daddy's lap to get to his big sister and dropped down on her lap. Luke ruffled his hair, before easing to his feet. "I'm going to leave a potion with Draco, my understanding between him and Harry, they should be able to find a...what's it call... Medication that has similar effects. I'm not sure the effect it would have if she took it." She spoke. "Narcissa said Tommy was magical, I mean was totally-" Luke said. "I'm aware of little Thomas, but his what we call a muggle born. You nor your wife are magical, and neither is she. With permission, she's welcome to try it. It's minor, to help with anxiety and the fear. With a aid and time angel will get better." She said and after a pause. "if she did take it?" Luke asked. "I'd need to stick around for an hour or so, to be sure there aren't any negative effects. If it goes alright, a weekly one she can take. Just like the... Medications...here it does take time to help, and she can right me anytime. I'm coming back Mondays." She said before Luke was handed a potion. "Angel, what do you say?" Luke asked, turning to face his daughter who was still sitting on the couch, reading the book to Tommy he held in his hands. "...can you fix it if something goes wrong?" She asked. "Yes, I can. With anything though, it does take time. I do recommend we keep talking." She said and after a pause Angel nodded.

Two hours later, angel was fine, so the woman left. Angel wasn't feeling any different, and might not for a while, she did however, feel the kiss on her head. She sat at the coffee table, with a brand new notebook, writing. "What's this?" Luke asked. "She....said I should keep a journal...of my dreams ... And then we are going to talk about them...she thinks it might help..." She admitted and Luke join her on the floor. "Do you like her?" Luke asked. "She's cool, I think. She even going to get Tommy a little training broom, it's going to be funny I think." She said. "You brother isn't even talking but a word or two. What makes her think he needs a broom?" He asked and she smiled lightly. "He's magical, daddy, in a non magical world. It's something he can do inside and not have any build up magic, because that would be bad. Harry and Draco were both seekers. I'm not really sure what that is, but it has to do with the broom, so maybe Tommy will be too." She said. "Alright, alright. I see him slamming into the wall though." Luke said. "That is very possible, daddy. He'll learn, even being little." She said. "Alright, why not." Luke said and she giggled. "I'm glad you said that, Tommy!" She called for and Luke just followed his excited daughter to her room who pulled out the little broom. "She just left it with you?" He asked and she nodded.

"How safe is that thing?" Luke asked Narcissa. "Oh, he'll fall. More then once, even the boys did during their quidditch games, but it's something somebody his age can do and help any magic build up." Narcissa said, as Angel sat Tommy on the broom. Tommy giggled. He quickly figured out how to take off and was speeding through the house.

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