Chapter 21

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That same night, Harry couldn't sleep. He let out a sigh, slipping out of bed. Leaving Draco asleep in the bed. Harry made the slow walk through the house, everybody else was asleep. Even Angel laid asleep on the couch, so Luke was asleep on the floor by the couch. Harry didn't want to wake him, but he didn't want to be alone either. He let out a sigh, grabbed his jacket and headed out the door.

Harry didn't remember anything, anything at all when his eyes opened to a very dark room. He didn't even know his name. All he knew was he had an awful headache.
The door opened to the room, and Harry hurried to the corner of the room. "Well, well. What do we have hear?" Said a man. "Who...are you?" Harry asked. "That isn't important, what is important, is you. It's time to make some videos, Harry." Laughed the man, and Harry shook his head. "Who's Harry?" He said and the man let out a sigh. "Nobody. You just behave yourself, your time here won't be awful, kid." Spoke the man.

--one year later--
A lot has happened in a year. Narcissa struggled to keep her son stable, who grew in a very dark depression once they learned Harry had been kidnapped, maybe even killed. His phone, jacket and a small pool if blood was found two days later.
Luke never moved out, helping Narcissa who was helping him. He was also using any extra money he has, to help find Harry. However, it had been a year, and nothing knew came to life. The only good thing Draco had in his life, was their son. A new five month old boy, he names Harry James, with his own last name. Bright blond hair, but bright green eyes. Little Harry was the only thing Narcissa was sure that kept Draco fighting this last year. The only light Draco had, was his son. The only thing he had left of Harry's.  Narcissa had a son, following Draco by a few weeks. Her son was name Zane, and he and little Harry were good baby friends.

"Grandma?" Angel said, pulling on her sleeve. "What's the matter, sweetie?" She asked, turning to face her. "Daddy's been gone all day...can you call him?" She asked. "Alright. Why don't you see if the babies want a bottle, while I call your daddy." Narcissa said, and she nodded.


"Hey, Luke. Angel's grown worried about you. Are you coming home soon?"

"Um, I need you to get ready. No question, just get ready."

Narcissa was very confused, but quickly got ready. "So, daddy isn't home?" Angel asked. "No. Stay with grandpa. I'm sure whatever it is, it's important." Narcissa said.

Luke was there to pick her up, an hour later. "Are you going to tell me what this is about?" Narcissa asked and Luke opened the dash. She picked up the drawing that she seen. "What's this?" She frown. It shown something awful happening to somebody. "Harry's drawing. About a month ago, he was admitted to the hospital...They didn't know who he was until a couple weeks ago...He hasn't really said anything. Just draws...they would have called, but...Harry's isn't okay, Narcissa. I'm not sure he even knows who he is right now. They got him back on his medicine about a week ago. He's...more relaxed I think, but hasn't said a word..." Luke admitted. "You didn't tell me, why?" She asked. "I don't think it will do any good, Narcissa..." He whispered. "Turn around. We are getting Draco." She said. "Didn't you hear a word I said?" Luke said. "I don't give a damn if he doesn't remember who he is. Draco has the right to know, or have you forgotten the hell Draco's been in this last year?" Narcissa pointed out and Luke let out a sigh. "No...I haven't forgot."

The hospital they were in was a small private hospital, very quiet. Not a lot of activities going on. They just followed Luke to a room and pulled open the blinds. "They don't know much. He fights them...So they have no real idea what happened..." Luke said. "Oh, hey Luke." Said a nurse, coming up. "Hey. This is Draco and his mom. See how he reacts to Draco, would you?" Luke asked. "Alright, sure. Nothing else is working. Hell, he been here long enough we know he won't die. So honestly, if you can get him to go with you, the doctor will let you take him out of here. Just keep him on the meds. They do seem to be helping a bit." She said, before walking away. "Go inside, Draco. I don't... exactly, know if he'll remember you, but he hasn't talked either." Luke said and after a pause, Draco nodded.

Draco slowly pushed opened the hospital door. Harry sat in the floor, doodling in a small notebook. He was used to the doctors coming in and out of the room, and he even knew who Luke was, but didn't want to say it. His head was just getting quiet again, after so many months of voices in his head. So many months of what he been threw. He just wanted to ran away, forget about everything...But Luke or the doctors said he couldn't. He had almost forgotten why, until he finally looked up when the light was blocked from his notebook.

Draco let out a noise when Harry knocked him off his feet, but just locked his arms tightly around Harry who just buried himself into Draco chest and just started crying. "It's going to be okay, Harry." Draco said, holding onto Harry, letting Harry sob until he couldn't sob anymore. "....take ... Me...home." He mumbled. "Luke!" Draco called for, who already had the paperwork in a folder. "Just sign the paperwork, I'll bring the car around." Luke said, before shutting the hospital door behind him.

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